20190801 + Up and to Myrtle Beach St. Park and the beach by 10. J&I went out to ride some waves but they were too small. So I came in and built a sandcastle with G that L put the finishing touches on. We stayed till about 1 and then headed back to the condo with a stop at a beach store where J&G got some shirts. Back to the condo and we all tried tennis... it was a hoot. G headed to the pool while the rest of us relaxed a bit.
We got cleaned up and dressed up a bit and headed to Rioz for a Brazilian Steakhouse treat. IT WAS AWESOME!!! After dinner we headed Shout where L&J dropped G&I off and we did another putt-putt while they went shopping for JGF2. On the way back we swung through Pelican's and got a huge tasty snow cone
At the condo we checked in on Dylan and he was making a bat into the wee hours of the morning.