20240724 - Worked, mile walk, got G up, threw ball to Hazel, made G go to bingo with me for dinner, Dave & Kelly, their friend Deb and Vinne & Aaron joined us, won a couple times, G left, I stayed and played, walked home afterwards, sat on the porch and watched the news and threw ball to Hazel, headed in, G showed up with Caden, Darius, Jeremy & Trent to spend the night.

20240722 ‡

20240722 ‡ Up LATE. Got some things done at the desk, had a call and then shipped ebay stuff. Ran out to pick up some laptops for work and took them to the office. Stopped by the post office on the way home. Home and finished the day at the desk, had dinner and threw the ball to Hazel. Got L packed up and dropped off at the airport. Home and Jack had all his stuff loaded up, moving to his apartment today. Hung out on the back porch with Hazel and watched a couple of movies. G out with friends and home late.


20240721 - Up in the am and to the baseball field. G didn't play today, all the original members of the team did. It was a good thing as somehow we lost to a horrible bush league team. It was the last game EVER for some of the boys and they were quit emotional. G rode home with some friends, L drove her and Janel home, I went alone and listened to podcasts during the drive. Home and Hazel very happy to see us! Unpacked and just relaxed on the back porch watching all the crazy campaign news. Stayed up and picked J and his friend up at the airport. They had lots to say about their European trip and all the sights they saw. Good to have J back!


20240716 Had appointment with Dr. Larrimer. picked up auction stuff


20240711 - Up in the am and in to the Worthington office. Got some things done and then took the big truck to the storage unit to get some chairs. had a semi blocking the exit of the storage place so had to go across the street and look for the driver at a construction site... Got the gate open and the lady in front of me and I got out and I headed back to the office and unloaded the chairs. We had lunch brought in and then back to the desk. L at G's baseball games


20240630 - Up way to early and G, Trent & I got in the car and headed west to Pleasant Hill OH for baseball. We got there in good time, I dropped the boys off and headed to the Dollar Store and loaded up on Gatorade and snacks. Back to the field and the boys won their game! So, we hung out a bit, the boys ate the junk I got at the store and started game two for the day, the Championship! The boys played well and won the Ship! We took some pictures and then headed home. I dropped G and Trent off at the house, said hi to Hazel and J and met Tom and Terrill at Roosters for dinner. Home and relaxing on the back porch, throwing the ball to Hazel and G calls 'My car is dead'... OMG so Jack and I head up to Piada where his car was and tried to start it. We called Mr. Bowman and he showed up with some starting fluid, which turned it over, but it still wouldn't start...  G&I called a tow truck and waited and waited. We got the car picked up and delivered to Tuffy and got home around 1am...


20240624 - Up late and to the desk. L had already mowed, took Hazel on a walk and blah blah blah. I jumped online and knocked out a bunch of stuff that built up from last week. Took Hazel on a walk and then back to the desk to wrap up a handful of other items. Headed out to the back porch to finish the day writing work instructions. L grilled some burgers and we ate. I then ran to the Landscape Board meeting where I had to run the meeting. Home of a min and then to Bible Bangers.


20240623 - Up not feeling well, so I stayed in the room while LG and Sal went to the early game. I got some pills in me and rested and checked in on the games occasionally. They lost so they came back to the hotel. We got our stuff together, packed up and headed home. G and Sal rode home with Andrew and L&I took our time getting home. Home and Hazel was thrilled to see us. We got unpacked, I threw the ball a hundred times and watched some TV on the back porch. In and watched some of the of the Olympic trials with L. Checked in with D and he said they would be back by 2:30 so I set an alarm and got the boy's cars out of Doc's yard so they could just take off when they got back. Up at 2:30 to check on the boys. They had a good weekend and came in 2nd.


20240615 - Up, replaced 6 more board on the playset and then cleaned up. Riley came over and helped remove the remaining branches from the backyard. Jodi yelled across the fence and need a couple limbs cut, we chatted for a couple min and I got her cutting done. I jumped on the mower and got the backyard done. J ran and got us subs. He trimmed  my neck hairs for me, I ate, shaved my face, showered, loaded things up and headed to Mansfield. Went to Tia's house and get her and headed to Dear Creek Golf Course / Black Dog Tavern to set up. We got things setup, sat on their porch and had a beer waiting for classmates to show up. Super nice place with amazing views. People started showing up right at 6. We had a good sized group, I'd say 60 show up. It was a good time and good to catch up with folks. Party over, cleaned up, and I headed home. Home and J&Hazel in the kitchen. Stayed up a bit putting things away before heading to bed.


20240613 - Up in the am and let Hazel out and then headed to Worthington for work. It was a quiet morning and listened to G's game while I got stuff done.


20240612 - Up and got some things done at the desk. Hazel and I took a walk down to Tuffy to pick up L's car. When we were there we saw G's old car and chatted with the mechanics a bit about it. They replaced the engine, all the hoses and sway bars and it looks great. We got L's car and dove home. Home and L&G packed up and headed to Cincinnati for a showcase at UC. I finished up my day and headed to the back and replaced the sections of missing fence and tightened up the gate a bit. G's showcase was very long, but L said he did good. They got to the hotel and all good. I hung out on the back porch and some folks came over to hang out, Steve, Riley, Dave and JT. In late, phone was dead, so called L and headed to bed.