20191130 + Up slow and got around. G&I headed over to the Pettit's to watch the OSU vs Michigan game. G&I set up some gambling squares for Karen and G ended up wining the first quarter. It was a great game and OSU won! We then watched a double overtime for the Purdue game and then headed home. Home and L had the Christmas tree up :-o Watched more football, played a new UNO game with LDJ&G and watched more football.
20191129 - Less but More
20191129 - Up in the am and L&I headed out to do some shopping. We didn't have as many stops as in previous years as the list are shorter and more expensive... We had a late lunch at O'Charley's. Back to Farm, loaded up, got G and Lilly and headed home. J at work, left work and didn't come home...I ran to UDF to get a couple things for the party tomorrow
20191128 - Up too early and helped set out pheasants. Shortly after DJG&I joined the uncles and cousins and we headed out for a hunt. Even with the birds being released only a bit ago our poor hunting skills we only managed to get a handful of birds, J got 2. Back to the springhouse and cleaned the birds. We ran up to the house, got cleaned up and back tot he Farmhouse for the big Thanksgiving feast. It is always a great event where we get together with family and friends we sometimes haven't seen since last Thanksgiving. We had a wonderful day and played games, some hiked and posed for pictures and had a great day. D&J left early to get back to school and work. After the guests left we got things cleaned up and headed back up to Gma&paW's house. We played some cards, watched some tv and wound down from a busy day.
20191127 - Bloody Windy Euchre
20191127 - Up and swung by Planet Fitness on the way in to work. To work on empty roads and at the desk getting the things planned for the day ready to get done. L cut herself doing dishes this morning and G had to use his first aid skill sot patch her up. Finished up in good time, home and got the fam and on the road. Got to Farm and checked out the new furnace in the Farm House. L helped GmaW set things up. It was too windy to let the pheasants out tonight so we headed out to the annual dinner at Chinatown. Back to Farm and Gmaw played some euchre with DJ&G. I sent out an Amazon blast for the Booster for the upcoming shopping season.
20191126 - L's Kids
20191126 - Up and in to work. So far a normal day. Lonie & I ran to Bexley to swing by my buddy Jason's Open house for his business. I got a free pie out of the stop but it took over an hour to get back to the office... Home for a second to grab my PC and to Panera to meet with Penn and the Performing Arts Boosters. Home and on the PC doing email until late while watching Dolly Parton's 50th anniversary show. Up to late watching TV
20191125 - Scout Oath
20191125 - Up and in to work. Had a couple meetings before getting to my desk. Got some things done and then went to lunch with Hiren to think about IT in 2020. Back to the desk solving more issues on multiple fronts. Home, J has water damage to his phone.. J dropped his phone off at the store to see how much to get it fixed, $100 to fix J's phone. J lost his mind as fixing his phone consumed the remainder of the money from his 1st pay check... He decided to pay to get it fixed. Went to Scouts and paid for wreaths and checked in. Home, got Doc and we went to Bible Bangers. Home exhausted and crashed immediately
20191124 - All Over
20191124 - Up in the am and L&I to church and then to Bob Evan's for brunch. Home and I took a nap and L did laundry. D came home for a visit. J&G got home from their campout, unpacked, set a tent up to dry. D&J ran and got coffee and swung by the Goodwill for J to get a sweatshirt he is going to paint. J headed to work. L still doing laundry, her friend Sue stopped by. D headed back to school. Chris came over to watch the mid=season finale of The Walking Dead. I stayed up to make sure J got home from work. He then got cleaned up and worked on his sweatshirt until 12:45, yawn. D texted me at 1:30 for the amazon password.
20191123 + Happy Campers
20191123 + Up in the am and L&I watched the OSU game. I fixed the garage door and got all the remotes and cars reprogrammed. Mr. Emmons stopped by to get the projector and borrow a laptop for this evening. L&I got layered up and headed to the Scout Thanksgiving Feast. The best one yet despite it pouring down rain. We were dry and warm and the food was great. Home and watched some more football. I stayed up too late for no reason
20191122 - Feasting
20191122 + Up in the am and swung through Kroger on the way to work to pick up some food to contribute to the DataField Thanksgiving feast. We had a good meal, relaxed and chatted a bit. Finished out the day picking at food and headed home. Home, J working, L took G to a school party, L&I ran to Wendy's to see J working and have dinner. After dinner we walked across the parking lot and went through a home decorating store for a bit. The prices were outrageous! Home, ran and got G. Back home and we watched Peanut Butter Falcon, a super cute movie.
20191121 - P&L Day
20191120 + New Bulb
20191120 + Up in the am and swung by Planet Fitness on the way in to work. Took 2 calls too. In to the office and met with some Engineers before heading to the desk. At the desk most of the day. took a break to walk to the bank and deposit a check. Finished the day and headed home. LJG&I had some dinner and then J&I worked on his car. We ran to the car part store and got him a new bulb for his headlight. Home, fixed the car and then watched TV the rest of the evening.
20191119 + Scout Train
20191119 + Up in the am and into the office. Lonie &I had a customer in today that took up my entire day in a meeting and then building the stuff we discussed. Headed home and got home to an empty house. L picking G up from basketball and J at a friends. L&I hung out a bit and had some dinner. J got home and ate and I headed to the Scout Pack Cake Auction. Penn joined me there and ran a cake WAY up and got the crowd fired up. There are always interesting cakes there and it is a fun event watching the kids bid. Home and landed int he chair and worked on the PC on Booster stuff until the wee hours of the morning...
20191118 - Full Court
20191118 - Up in the am and J staying home from school not feeling well so I stayed home with him until midday. Headed in to work and trying to cram a whole day into a half. The evening was a complete whirlwind... Left work went to Hilliard for G's first basketball scrimmage, went straight to the Booster meeting, swung by the house and L ran stuff out on my way to the Scout meeting, home for 5 min then to Bible Bangers, up late working on the PC... shew...
20191117 - Deliveries
20191117 - Up in the am and JG&I headed out to make some deliveries. We headed south and met Justin at Scioto Downs and I gave him an extra laptop I had so he could look for work. We got back on the road and delivered wreaths all over Gahanna Blacklick and Grove City. Home and we got G had practice. Later in the evening the guys came over for The Walking Dead. J back from work and we chatted about his phone
20191116 - Home Town Rivalries
20191116 - J home for bit in the morning and told us that he learned how to do fries at work last night. L picked up G from practice and then swung back around to pick me up and head to the high school for Gahanna Middle School Basketball Day, where all the middle schools play each other. We ran in to the Mineyfields, D's old karate instructors there and caught up for a bit. G played really hard and looked pretty good. J showed up and watched some of G play and then J&I headed out to pick up the Scout Wreaths. We got the wreaths and headed home, L&G there. J bailed out on us and went to see some friends. We had some lunch and watched the Buckeyes. L dinner with her friends, J at work. G&I headed out, got gas and had reservations at the new Swensen's. We had a good dinner in the car and stopped at Goodwill and Meijer on the way home. J off the rials when he got home.
20191115 + Returns
20191115 + Up in the am and in to work. At the desk dealing with people today. J at work, G had practice. L&I returned the hot dog steamer and nacho cheese machine to the high school. We then went through Arby's and got dinner. Home and ate with G and watched football on TV. J spent the night at a friends.
20191114 - Draft Program
20191114 - Up in the am and G missed his bus so I dropped him off at school on the way to work. In to work and fired up knocking things out today. Headed out a couple min late and fought traffic to get home before Bill & Tom showed up to get some baseball stuff done. L picked up G from practice, J hiding in his room. Finished the evening watching TV doing Booster work, G snuck out of bed to watch the end of the Browns game with me. I stayed up and worked on Scout Program until too late.
20191113 + Extra Board Member
20191113 + Up in the am and swung by the Scout Store on the way to work. What a sh!t show that place is! Took forever to get the awards for the banquet... In to work late and on the phone a bunch getting things sorted and done. Finished the day strong and headed home arriving only minutes before having to leave again. Had to wait for J to show up... Once he arrived I had him drive us to City Hall where he attended a Landscape Board Meeting for one of his Merit Badges. It was a super short meeting and we headed home. Home and we ate and sat down to watch some TV. I had the laptop and continued to burn through email and plan tomorrow. All boys to bed. L&I watched the rest of the CMA and then I headed in to the office to build some software until 2.
20191112 - Many Meetings
20191112 - Up in the am and snow on the ground so everyone forgets how to drive. Went up around New Albany to get to work today... 1 hour 45 min later I got in to the office and got things rolling. Had a good am meeting with CB and then pushed through the day. Got home and L had dinner with work ladies, J was at Wendy's for more training. G&I got a bite to eat and I ran him to his basketball practice and then back home. J home so we chatted a bit before I left for the Scout Committee meeting and Board of Review. Meetings were good and home by 9:30. In to the office and worked on Scout stuff for the end of year banquet until late.
20191111 + Introducing a Worker
20191111 + Up in the am, L took the day off and Gma&paB here. We all headed to G's school and went to the Veteran's Day Ceremony. G was in the flag corp and did a great job introducing GpaB to the crowd. After the ceremony we headed home and then ran up to Rusty Bucket for lunch. I ran in to Ed Hofmiester there and we chatted a bit. Home and L did some ironing and I took a nap from being up so late last night. Up and picked G up from basketball practice and we ran by Wendy's where J was doing some training. We got a snack and bugged him for a min and headed home for dinner. J home not long after and we all ate together and J told us about his boring training. After a short break JG&I headed to Scouts. The adults had a good meeting while the kids had theirs. Home and called Doc to see if he wanted to go to Bible Bangers and he decided against it because it was snowing. I headed to Bible Bangers for a bit and we had a smaller crowd but we finished off Acts.
20191110 - J Forgotten
20191110 - Up late in the am and went through the paper with L as G and his friends ate bfast L made for them. G and his friends made more noise while we waited for their parents. LJ&I got ready and headed to J's Cross Country Banquet that started 30 min late. It was a nice presentation and the seniors got to throw their shoes in a tree by the football field. During the presentation they forgot to call J up with his class. Home and dropped L&J off and ran a couple of quick errands. Home and did a big sudoku puzzle from the the paper while G&I watched the Browns somehow win. L raked some leaves and then fixed some dinner. Got some things done on the PC and then headed downstairs to watch The Walking Dead with Chris & Vinnie. Back up to the office for a long night of getting caught up and sending out letters.
20191109 - A New Eagle
20191109 - Up early and D home waiting for the glass guy to come and replace his windshield. That wasn't going to happen until noon so D&I ran some errands, dropped off his holiday break dates to Dbat, the wood store to get a bat billet and then Reynoldsburg to pick up some auction wins. Home and the windshield guy showed up WITH THE WRONG WINDSHIELD!!! D headed back to school and JG&I headed to an Eagle court of Honor. It was a nice ceremony (an abbreviated copy of D's) and J&G did their parts well. We hung out for a bit after to have some refreshments and play some games. Home and watched the end of the OSU game and then the LSU vs Alabama game. G had some friends over. We played trouble and then they were horribly loud until horribly late.
20191108 - Dinner with Friends
20191108 - Up in the am and L headed in to work and I took my time this morning as the boys were home from school. Got in to work and got some folks fired up asking to reduce the number of gifts we send out to customers this year trying to save $$$. L&I to the Barn to meet with Bill & Tiff and a handful of other friends for a surprise bday dinner for Tiff. It was a great meal and some good times. L&I ran to pick G and one of his buddies from their second party of the evening. We dropped the boys off at home and headed over to the McClains for a short after dinner visit. We had a nice time and got home in good time.
20191107 - School Play
20191107 - Up in the am and headed downtown to the lawyers office. I was deposed from 9:30 to 3:00, it was exhausting. Home and we had dinner. L ran G to basketball practice and then L&I went to the high school to see The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe play. It was a nice little play and J's friend Conor was in it. Home and J had picked G up from practice for us. We had some ice cream and hung out a bit before heading to bed.
20191106 + Tiff's Bday
20191106 + Up slow in the am and swung by Great Clips for a hair cut, Planet Fitness to ask about something odd that showed up on my bill and McD's for a sausage McMuffin. Made it in to work and Lonie headed home, he's feeling ill. I fired up the PC and folks came in to the office on pretty regular frequency for things, but moving ahead on all fronts. Headed home and L fed JG&I. We hung out for a bit and then L&I headed to Coaches for a small bday celebration for Tiff. We stayed for a bit and then headed home. I called Kathy, a girl I worked with when we lived in NC and talked to her until 1:30am, shes a mess.
20191105 - J&I 2 CBJ Game
20191105 - Up early and dropped G off at school for Bible Study and then headed to vote. Got my voting done and then fought traffic all the way to work for an hour... Go the work and a couple things done before day went crazy... Had a on site customer project review followed immediately with a vendor lunch. Back to the office for a minute and then ran downtown to lawyers office. Headed home from there and hung out for only a min before J&I headed downtown on the back roads because 670 was a parking lot and made it to Nationwide Arena for the start of the Columbus Blue Jackets game. CBJ lost but it is always fund to watch. Home and to bed, up late watching videos on the phone.
20191104 - Dollhouse
20191104 - Up in the am and J drove himself to school and L&G gone. I swung past the bank where J is parking to make sure he did ok, looks good. Took a couple calls on the way in and had calls as soon as I hit the desk. Going through emails and getting caught up. Headed home in the dark for a crazy busy night. G had basketball practice, home, cleaned up, ate, then to Scouts. J drove himself to Scouts and I met with the adult leaders to get some things in line for the big program this month. I snuck into L's room at school and checked out the dollhouse she took in that waas hers when she was a kid. Home and Doc & I to Bible Bangers, full hose to night, almost done with Acts.
20191103 + Tree Planters
20191103 - Up in the am and LG&I to church, J still at his friends and D sleeping. Church was odd, a kid I had in Scouts keeps popping up, not sure how to deal with that... Home and L cooked some eggs. I headed into the office and got some things done. J home and got cleaned up. I cleaned out the baseball stuff that didn't sell to donate and J shopped ebay stuff. D&G played catch in the backyard and then the boys 'helped' plant the Buckeye tree I got L for our anniversary. D took off back to school, I did a couple other things outside and L ran some errands with Sue the neighbor. J&G headed upstairs and that was the last I saw of them. I got the garage cleaned up, fixed the speaker, finished the hutch and did a couple other little jobs. L home, boys down to eat and we watched some TV. Walking Dead guys showed up and we watched our show. To bed not too late.
20191102 - D Repairs
20191102 - Up early and D&I took G to practice and dropped him off. D&I went on to Home Depot and got some supplies for some projects around the house. It was a nightmare because we were in the electrical section and had two guys helping us that weren't sure what planet they were on or what hot and neutral mean... On top of that Home Depot was hosting a kid workshop and it was right next to the electrical section and they were pounding on something like a jackhammer in a tin bucket... We got out of there with not everything we needed so we headed to Lowe's and finished our list. Home and J was posting some things on ebay, I printed out flyers to take to G's parent meeting. L&I headed to G's parent meeting. It was one of the better meetings I have been to and I think this experience will be very good for him. After the meeting we got home and I did some things on the PC and J went to State Cross Country meet with a friends, said it was super cool. L drove D's car and said it was going to blow up so D&I took a drive and got some power steering fluid that fixed the problem. Home and D fixed L's cabinet she attempted to fix... We watched some football and soon the McClains came over. Bill and Tiff told us all about their experience in Florida with his Mother passing and all the crazy things that happened. We got some pizzas and watched some football until late.
20191101 + Dinner with D
20191101 + Up in the am and J down late and late for school... In to the office, very empty and quiet today so getting a lot of catch-up work done. Finished the day and got home. D was home so we all went to Moe's for dinner. After dinner we came home and LDG&I watched Men In Black International.
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