20190807 - Up in the am and dropped J off at XC on the way in to the hospital. Got to L's room and the Dr. was in the room checking L out when I got there running her through the routine stroke tests. She had a good night and we chatted a bit before the Neurologist came in and ran her through some more test. He order the 2nd MRI on her neck and some blood work. We waited... nurse came in took 13 vials of blood, we waited... L helped me sort receipts from vacation... GmaB is with the Boys today and they went out to lunch and got some school supplies for the boys. Eventually a guy came up and took L down for 2nd MRI. I got set up and online and started going through work email. L back to the room and we waited and waited... GmaB picked J up from XC and got him home in time for his 1st in car with the driving school and he did really well.

I eventually got through all of my work emails and then some Booster stuff. Dr back in and he didn’t see anything in the 2nd MRI and let us know that some of the results from the blood-work wouldn't be back for a week... he said we could go home but come back if symptoms get worse... We waited... GmaB showed up as they were getting L checked out and I bailed and went straight to the high school auditorium to give a quick speech about Team App to all of the coaches and then a second meeting in the library with just the high school coaches. Meetings over and I ran to McDs on the way home and bought 2 bags of misc food and headed home. L home and we ate a bit. J&G back from the pool, J brought some of his friends with him. Sitting around relaxing and everyone to bed nice and early tonight. D called and reported his team lost again today so they have been knocked out of the tournament and will be home tomorrow. Exhausted...