20190808 - Up in the am and dropped J off at XC on the way in to work. In to the office and catching up with folks and open items. Put some advertising items on some folks cars today and found an ad fro some new doughnuts I want to try... Pretty busy day but sorta quiet, good for getting things in order. Chatted with a lot of folks today getting back up to speed. Power was out at our house from 9am to 12 today as the power company was cleaning up limbs on our line today. Headed out a bit late and got home. D just got home from PA, he got stuck in some bad traffic. L&GmaB went to pick up some groceries and then the boys helped carry them in. D helped grill brats for dinner and all of us sat down to eat together for the first time in weeks. It was a good meal and everyone shared what they have been doing. After dinner I ran J to his buddies for the night and I locked myself into the computer working on Booster Program sales for the rest of the night until late.