20180331 + Cut the Grass

20180331 + Up in the am and J's friends headed home after being up almost all night playing Fortnight... Everyone headed outside to cut down grasses and bundle them and other Spring cleanup in the yard. D&I ran to the grocery to get some snacks. Home, unloaded and then met the McClain's at Signatures for dinner and watch basketball. After we ate we all headed back to the house to watch more basketball. Doc called, her heat wasn't working. J&I headed over and discovered his fan had gone out so we got him a heater and turned his TV on so he could watch basketball. A fun night with friends.

20180330 - D's Back & 3way Battle

20180330 - Up in the am and hung out with L until the countertop guy showed up. He looked at our crack and suggested we not waste the money to repair it... John showed up to pick up Owen and then L cooked the boys some bfast. I headed into the office to get a couple of things done and L started on the bathroom floor. I helped a bit and then ran to get D from the airport. D's plane was delayed a bit so waited around for him. He got home and wasn't as upset as earlier in the week and seemed to have a good time and told us all bout it. L&I finished up the bathroom and then LDJ&I headed out to Max & Erma's for a nice dinner and D filled us in on more of his trip. 

After dinner we headed to Meijer where L got some stuff and then on to Home Depot for some supplies. We swung by one of J's friend' s and picked him up for a sleepover. Home and another of J's friends already in the house. The 3 of them set up a 3 Xboxes in the basement and played until the wee hours of the morning.

20130329 - Glowing Repairs

20130329 - Up in the am and checked in with GpaW, it was raining here and at the Farm so we didn't go up today. L went shopping, J&I hanging out in the living room, G playing Fortnight. I made my way to the office and cleaned up the online stuff I did last night. In the afternoon G&I ran to D-Bats to try out his new bat and a bunch of his teammates were there. Home and doing more around the house. Worked on the dishwasher as the motor decided to go out on it today... Got some texts from D, he's not happy  with the way things are working out baseball wise in FL. He did end up playing the entire game except for the first inning. G's buddy Owen came over in the evening and we all headed to the bowling ally, but they were full so we headed to Glow Putt for a round of golf. I had a dad that was on the FL trip check in on D. L headed to bed, J&I watched a movie and a couple shows from a series and G and Owen played in the basement until very late.

20180328 + Still Smoking

20180328 + Up late and grabbed a cup o f coffee, J's buddy still here and they are still playing Fortnight in the basement. I did a couple of things in the office and then LG&I headed out run around a bit. Our firsts stop was Pay it Again Sports and found the bat G wanted and I got the lady to drop the price to the online price and we walked out of the store with a new bat. L waited in the car and had to turn it off because it was smoking all over the place... We ran across the street to a place L wanted to wander around in, a home place where they had 2.7 million rugs and nick nacks to put in your house... After G&I found L wandering we headed to Steak 'n Shake for lunch. We headed home and stopped at Tuffy to pick up my car and have them look at the smoking engine. It was all ok and no leaks. So L&G headed home and I paid for the Denali repairs and the Acura and Hyundai oil changes and on to get a haircut and bank to change some signature cards. Home and got a couple more things done before JG&I headed out to see the premier of 'Ready Player One'. We met up with some friends and enjoyed the movie, it was really good! Home and boys to bed, checked in with D, he had a disappointing day of watching from the bench baseball, but played volleyball on the beach for 4 hours with his buddies. Called GpaW and with rain in the forecast decided to check in the am to see if we will head up to the Farm. To bed trying to get caught up on the blog.

20180327 - Amish

20180327 - Up in the am and in to work staying ahead of the curve for a couple of days off. Justin and I ran to Grove City to pick up lunch for everyone from Chipotle. Back to the office and set up the buffet and had a feast. L swapped out the Acura for the Denali for me. D played an entire game at 3rd base today. He went 3 for 3 with 2 singles a double and stole 3rd and home and he pinch ran in the second game. I finished the day and headed home. I stopped at tuffy and swapped my car for the Acura. Home and we had some leftovers before LJG&I headed out to see the movie Peter Rabbit, it was a hoot and we loved it! After the movie we picked up one of Js buddies and then headed home. J and his buddies set up an extra Xbox in the basement and played Fortnight for hours... J&I watched an old John Wayne western and I worked on the Booster Google Apps until very late and finally turned off the Xbox.

20180326 - D FL Baseball

20180326 - Up in the am and in to work trying to line things up for a couple of days off. Watched D's game on the phone, he played the entire game in right and second. Home and J went straight from track to soccer and G was at baseball. I hung out with L for a bit before heading to Scouts where I dropped some stuff off and pushed the 75th Anniversary team to move forward quicker... On to J's soccer practice where I called D while I waited for J. D had a good day and got to play in one of the games. I got J and we headed home, picked up L&G and we headed to Moe's to pick up dinner. Home and watched American Idol while we ate in the basement. Up late working on Booster things.

20180325 + 1 Sent 2 Back

20180325 + Up at 6am and D&I headed to the airport. I hung out a bit as the team accumulated and helped Mike get them organized, their bags checked and tickets in hand. We got them lined up for a pic and off they went.

Headed back home and back to bed. Up late, Just L&I hanging out. L made cookies for the boys and I got some things done in the office and then time to go get J&G. I swung in, picked them up they smelled of smoke and had a lot to say, I think they actually had FUN! blah blah blah....  Got them home, ran to get them some lunch from Wendy's, we ate, they told of more adventures. G cleaned up, changed, fed and back to baseball practice. I ran to Gahanna Hardware to get some supplies then to the baseball field to help install some brackets in the new dugouts. Home put things away, hung out, ran the white car to Tuffy and the post office. Home and we all scavenged, Chris stopped by for Walking dead with J&I, I think the show has jumped the shark... To bed and did a bit on the Booster website planning.

20180324 + Uranus

20180324 + Up very late in the day, catching up for all the super late nights on the PC. Got into the office and got a bunch done. L doing laundry like crazy, D working on college paperwork. Texted with the Scout Leaders and J&G are fine. In the evening LD&I headed to Stadz's Pizza to meet the McClains and Tom for dinner. I have too much Yuengling and the hops hurt my head quickly. D headed home and L&I went back to the McClains to hang out, chat and have fun. Home and to bed, need to get up early and get D to the airport in the am.

Here is a little pape G wrote at school and his teachers thought it was funny!

20180323 - Starting Short $ Cold Campers

20180323 - Up in the am dead tired and in to work. Had a couple hot ones this morning that got me going... and stayed hot all day. I had to run DeVonn to the airport around 3, swung by Creative Graphics and talked to the owner for a bit about a website for GahannGear.com. Jumped on a work call and drove to D's game at St. Charles downtown and D was starting shortstop and played the whole game there. He had some good plays and hit a couple of times but didn't get on base. It was freezing cold and DGF7 was there to take pics. I love watching that boy play baseball! Home and got J&G loaded up and L&I ran them up to John Beltz park for G's 1st Boy Scout campout. We passed D&DGF7 on the way. We got J&G delivered and they just walked off into the wood, I guess that means they will be ok, L not liking here littlest boy out in the freezing cold. We headed back to town and had a nice dinner at the Rusty Bucket. Home, D home and we watched some basketball.

20180322 - Not as Busy

20180322 - Up and feeling tired in to work for a big day of calls. Made it through the day and headed home a bit late after an escalation. Got home and D&G at baseball practice, LJ&I had dinner and then waited for the others to get home. Everyone home and we caught up on the day. D&I up late watching basketball and I worked on the Scout site until too late.

20180321 - Sick of Snow!

20180321 - Up in the am to L shrieking as she went out to start D's car and was greeted by 3 girls with squirt guns hiding in the snowy bushes, J went to school today, I headed in to work for a spirited discussion morning. Made it through a thick day and headed home. L had a nice dinner ready for LJG&I and we ate together and talked about J's detention... After dinner G brought up a bouncy ball game and was bouncing balls all over the house giggling. One of them hit L right in forehead and we all lost it :-) D home and ate and ate. We settled in watching some TV and getting things done on the PC and I completely missed a baseball meeting I desperately wanted to attend... Up late staying ahead on work and organizing sports IT stuff

20180320 + The Greatest Showman

20180320 + Up in the am, J home sick, I headed in to work. Got to work and on the phone all morning. Dug into things in the afternoon and heads down until I headed home. Home and L had dinner made for us and we all + DGF7 had dinner. After dinner we headed to the basement to watch 'The Greatest Showman' on Amazon, we love that movie. After the movie I stayed up on the PC till 3.

20180319 - Surrounded

20180319 - Up in the am and working from home getting email and other stuff done. Ran in to the high school to meet with the Athletic Director for a min. Home and got some more work done. DeVonn called so I ran to the airport to pick her up and we met Justin for lunch before heading into the office. In to the conference room to finish the day on calls. On the way out L&I talked, she picked up J from track and took him to the minute clinic to test him for strep throat... I headed to D's game and checked in with G to make sure he was ok to get to practice. I got to D's game, he got in at 2nd base in the 5th and made a double play. I headed to the Booster meeting where I had to give a big presentation, it went well and folks are excited about changes we are making! Home for a min and found my driveway blocked off by a car and 3 girls in beach towels surrounding D's car with him in it... The let me park, D rolled down his window and let me know he was ok, he was apparently their target for the night in 'Senior Tag'... I went in leaving D to fend for himself... I called Doc, headed out, the girls let me out of the driveway, D still in his car, Doc and I headed to Bible Bangers. L texted me shortly after that D came running into the house in his underwear :-) SAFE! Had a good night at Bible Bangers, all the guys there and good discussions. Home and up late doing things on the PC

20180318 + First Game!

20180318 + UP in the am and all to church. Home and working on the pc for Booster stuff. In the afternoon D headed to his first varsity baseball game. We go G off to his practice, J headed to the basement to conjoin with the Xbox and L&I headed to Olentangy to watch D play baseball. It was just a scrimmage but it gave me a chance to test out the new app. D got in the game in the 5th inning and played 2nd for 5 innings. He did pretty good!  GREAT TO SEE HIM ON THE FIELD! After the game L&I headed home, swung through KFC and picked up dinner and then home to eat with J&G. We got all caught up with them, I did some more work on the PC until the guys showed up to watch the Walking Dead. Up late finalizing things for a super busy Monday.

20180317 - First No Trap Year :-(

20180317 - Up in the am and this is the first year in a LONG TIME we had no Leprechaun trap. I asked but noone wanted to build one with me :-(  Headed to Bank with everyone to get accounts figured out. \Closed D's savings, moving $ to a secured CC for him. D to work at D-Bats, LJG&I headed to Staples and the shoe store to get things for my work and J's track season, then rean to GameStop and L looked at stuff in a new furniture store. I hung out in the car and update the high school baseball calendars. Home, shipped an Amazon sale, J&G to the basement to play on the Xbox. I hung out in the office getting caught up, D home and cleaning his room.

20180316 + Wilmington College

20180316 + Up early with D and headed to Wilmington College. We met with the Financial guy and then got a tour of the school, it was SUPER nice and I would love for D to go there. We stopped at the college baseball field on the home and got home a bit after noon. G had baseball practice and LJ&I to Piada for an expensive mediocre meal. Home watched some basketball and then ran to pick up G. Home, D home, watched more basketball.

20180315 - Scout Stuff

20180315 - Up in the am and in to work and prep for call then on the phone solid. J went to school today even though he wasn't feeling well, we think he went so he could get his picture taken with the Track team for the yearbook. I had my calls and they were long... Calls over, getting caught up on mail and heading to the Scout Store. Got my stuff and headed home for the rest of the day and took a couple of calls.

20180314 - Apps Built

20180314 - Up in the am and it is snowing like crazy! J not feeling well so home from school today. I made it into work and at the desk going through emails and piles trying to stay on top of things. Had a nice treat today, Justin took me to lunch :-) Back at the desk to try and finish off the day. Stayed very late to finish off the day and get a couple of reports ready for big meetings tomorrow. Got the reports done and headed home. Home and ate at the table with L, D&G at their baseball practices, J in the basement, still not feeling great.  Eventually everyone got home and we all caught up on the day. D got his warranty bat and it is the latest model, a $300 upgrade from the one he got for Christmas, G told us all about practice and J get relaxed. All to bed, i was up LATE updating the TEAMAPP for the HS.

20180313 - Baseball Dinner

20180313 - Up in the am and in to work, joined the Ops meeting this morning then chained to the conf room phone the majority of the day. L texted me in the middle of the day, she had to go pick J up from school, he was sick. Had a pretty rough call and then headed home through some pretty bad snow... Home and got LD&G and we headed to the Baseball Outback Dinner. Gma&paW joined us, D sat at the Senior table. It was the usual crowd and the usual presentation. The food was good and it was great to see all the boys. Nice Dylan stuck with it, strong boy. After the dinner LD&G had Gma&paW drop them off at home and I stayed to fill Tad Day envelopes with the Boosters. Home and all to bed, a good night. Not up late for a change, need to catch up on my sleep.

20180312 + L on TV Again!

20180312 + Up in the am and in to work. Had one call this morning and then in a conf room working on misc things. D went on a shadow day where he followed the father of one of my Cub Scouts around and learned what an Athletic Trainer does in a day. Home a bit late and L had dinner ready for us, D&I got home at the same time. He told us all about his day and talked and talked. Seems he liked it! After dinner L headed to a school safety meeting and ended up on the 11 o'clock news! J&I headed to Scouts where I discussed options for online ticket sales. At the end of Scouts I realized G was not there... He had crossed over and was now a Boy Scout and should have been at the meeting... Too many things going on in my mind... Home and got Doc and went to Bible Bangers. It was a good meeting and we got through a chapter. Home and I was up late watching Netflix and set up a ticket sales portal, not waiting any longer for people to make a decision...

20170311 - Team Photo

20170311 - Up, G to baseball, I met guys about Boosters. Ran back to get G and home. I worked on stuff in the office, D headed out for pictures. Guys came over to work on travel baseball stuff. L GOT HOME! She had a very successful and fun weekend and told me all about it as we ran out to pick up dinner. Home and ate and L&G watched American Idol and the guys came over to watch The Walking Dead. Up late working on Booster stuff.

20180310 - Terrill's 50!

20180310 - Up in the am and D&G already at the Baseball Clinic. J hung out on the Xbox for a bit then we went to a shoe store to look at running shoes. We stopped at Waterbeds and Stuff to get a gift for Terrill and then swung through Subway to get lunch for D&G. A quick stop at home to get bottles of water and then tht e high school where we delivered the lunches, D was a bit annoyed for some reason... I talked to the coach about all the things coming up and J&I headed back out. We went to the gas station and J didn't want to pump the gas... so we went home instead of continuing on to Dick's to get him new running shoes... I got more done at the desk. D&G got home and chilled out for a little bit. D went to some friends to play basketball and GJ&I packed up and went to Terrill's 50th bday party. It was a good time with great food. We didn't stay too long. Home and up doing booster stuff until late.

20180309 - Booster Organization

20180309 - Up in the am and working from home getting a lot of things done! L went to John & Mary's for the weekend to work on a quilt for D. The boys got home in shifts and then D&G headed out to a Baseball Clinic, D was one of the Captains! Eventually we all ended up at home and we retired to the basement to watch the new Jumanji. It was fantastic! All boys to bed and I was up until 5am doing Booster stuff...

20180308 + 2 in 1 Chair

20180308 + Up in the am and tried to go to work... It took me 45 minutes to almost get to the ramp for 270, so I did a uturn and headed home to get my reporting done so I wouldn't miss our 10am call. Reporting done, meeting successful and then in to work for the afternoon.L had to go to the police station today to get more figure printing done. Finished my day and stopped an auction house on the way home. Home and had to have a talk with G as today he broke the new Xbox remote I got for them 3 days ago because he got frustrated... Had dinner, L&I ran to Meijer, J posting things on ebay. Home and D home from practice, he played several positions during practice today, GOd I hope they let him play... Finished off the night and to bed, up late working on GLHS Booster sites.

20180307 - Black Panter

20180307 - Up in the am and in to work. Pretty quiet day getting things done. Had a call with the TeamApp.com about school websites. Home and L had a nice dinner for us. LJG&I ate, D at baseball. D home and didn't want to go with JG&I to the movies so he stayed home with L, but was in his room watching movies... JG&I went to see Black Panther, it was really good! Home and boys to bed, I was up late building websites.

20180306 - Busy Schedule

20180306 - Up in the am and to the high school to meet with the Athletic Director. Got a bunch done with him. in to work and had my first meeting of the day and lining things up to keep knocking things out. Stayed a bit late and headed straight to the varsity baseball field. I watched for a bit and then talked to the coaches. Headed over to Burnworth's to watch G pitch a bit at his practice and then G&I headed home. G&I had some dinner that L made. J got the xbox headset working. L watched the Bachelor for hours, I got a big baseball email sent out. Up too late watching Neflix movies.

20180305 - I'm SINGING!

20180305 - Up in the am and in to work. Spent the day in a conference room lining things up and cleaning them off myplate or putting them where they go.  Headed out a bit early to meet with the accountant and do my 2017 taxes NOT GOOD. I don't owe anything but am getting hardly anything back...  Home and L had cooked a nice steak dinner for us, D was at baseball but the rest of us enjoyed it. We hung out for a bit before we all loaded up and headed to J's choir concert. J is just to the left of the giant kid that used to be one of my Cub Scouts. It was short and sweet and we hit DQ on the way home. Home and I got Doc and headed to Bible Bangers, there were only 3 of there tonight so no progress made on our book.  Home and up not too late working on the PC.

20180304 - No Milk!

20180304 - Up in the am and LJ&I headed to church, D stayed home to list some things and head to work. After church I stayed to meet with a Sunday School class I helped start years ago while L&J headed home and L ran G's baseball stuff to him at his practice. There were many of the same people there that were there when we started and it was good to catch up and a good discussion. L picke me up after the class and we headed home. I had to run G's hat and glove back out to him. I made arrangements with Tom to act like I was late picking G up and I would meet them at Dick's. Home and I got some stuff done on the PC. Tom texted me that he was headed to Dick's and D just got home from work so DJ&I headed to Dick's. We snuck up on G who thought his dad forgot him at practice and we got him a pair of cleats, well we had to order them in blue, he didn't want the red ones they had. D got some cleats, we ordered him some gray pants and I forced him to try on some girls short softball pants and they fit, so we solved the problem of finding high pants that fit! J got a pair of soccer cleats and after 3 hours at about $100/hr we headed home. We swung by the Mallonn's and picked up Connor so J could teach him how to hydrodip stuff. Home and J and Connor headed outside to paint, G hit the Xbox and D filled out another college application and headed to DGF7's. L cooked us all some dinner and then took J and Connor to youth group. L&I sat and chatted about upcoming events, going to be a busy fast Spring and Summer... I ran to pick up J and then we home, D arrived soon and so did Ben to watch the Walking Dead. Boys to bed and up late putting paper in the PC.

20180303 - Cleaning Up

20180303 - Up late and L brought me pancakes and coffee in bed. D off to baseball. I got myself around and ran J&G to Scouts to help clean out the garage at the church, G first Boy Scout event. Home and L&I getting things done around the house and desk. Ran to pick G up and he had fun! J stayed there. Home and G got picked up by Bill and Brady and J headed out scootering. I fixed the backdoor knob and then D, DGF7&I headed to Grove City to check out a Play it Again Sports that was closing down, it was already picked clean so we headed to Dick's and they didn't have what D was looking for either... Home and back and knocking things out. After a while J got home and D&DGF7 headed out. L&I headed out to see the new movie 'Game Night' and ran into Karen Pettit and her sister. It was a really funny movie and we had a good time. After the movie we picked up some food and went home and ate with J. Up very late working on the PC.

20180302 - No More Cubs

20180302 - Up slow in the am not feeling great. Headed in to work to take some calls and chase things down. About half a day in and I feel like crap so headed home and finished the day at home. Ended up taking a nap and getting up to cleanup the electronics in the basement with J. D ran J to his middle school fun night and then joined LG&I at G's Blue & Gold Banquet for Cub Scouts and G crossed over into Boy Scouts tonight. Not near the ceremony I put on, but glad G crossed over. Home and straight to bed.

20180301 + Before Bed

20180301 + Up in the am and a rainy drive on the way in to work. Justin is on top of everything this morning and driving things like crazy. Finished out the busy day and headed home. J texted me while I was driving about an issue with his phone. Got home and J was in the basement playing the Xbox, I got the boys a headset so we didn't have to listen to them yelling at their friends... L cooked dinner for JG and me and we had a nice dinner, D was at baseball. After dinner I ran G to baseball practice. I got a call from Doc's friend, Doc wasn't answering his phones and she wanted me to check on him. To Doc's no answer on his phones or doorbell. I got his key and went in, thankfully he was not home. I let her know and fixed his front door knob on the way out. J back in the basement, G had a coach bring him home, D got home and set up a college visit for us, I was working on the PC. We wound down the night and on his way to bed J told me that his phone wasn't working and the new headset didn't work... We had hours this evening to work on these things and he tells me right before he goes to bed... I didn't fix them, I told him we'd look at it tomorrow.