20190828 - up in the am and in to work. At the desk most of the day. Walked to he French restaurant next door for lunch with Jason and then finished the day at the desk and a couple meetings. J talking his last in car driving today and L&G at G's XC meet. I drove over to G's Xc meet and talked to a local printer guy the whole way, we are going to try to get some business together. Got to the meet just as it started and G was right out front at the gun. Watched him run around a couple times and he came in 16th out of 4 schools, ran a 14:14. I headed home as soon as the race was over, caught up with J on how his driving went and then hung out for a min before G was back at the school and J drove me to pick up G and he told me about his girlfriend's photo receiving a perfect 100% in the Professional Photographers of America photo competition. Home and we ate and soon Penn showed up. Penn and I hung out on the back porch and did some Boosters work. We got ticking and ads working and his set up with access to pretty much everything. Took a call from eh Team App team in Australia and we finished the night about 10pm. In and to bed and fell asleep with the TV on and laptop on my lap.