20190830 - Up in the am and got J off to school. The roads were empty today so flew in to work and got a fast quiet start. Got a bunch done today and fixed an ancient filing cabinet lock. Headed out a bit early as I thought I would have to pick shirts up for the football game, but that didn't work out so home early and hung out with L for a bit. J took off iwth JGF3 and LG&I headed to Cane's for dinner. After we ate we went to the football game. I checked in with the Booster tent and then headed for the stands. We ran into J & JGF3 posing for photos and interrupted them :-) We found seats whit the Mallonns to watch the game. It was a good game and we have a lot of potential but got spanked by the team from Cincinnati. Home after the game and D is home, he came home so he could join some of his friends at the OSU Football home opener tomorrow. We chatted for a bit and then got the boys to bed for a very busy Saturday.