20230924 - D & DFG13 stopped over so L could do D's laundry. We took a hike downtown to the Gahanna Flea Market and explored all the stuff. We popped in to Signatures for lunch and then headed home.


20230923 - Baseball, home G ready and took my car to pick up his date Madeline (GGF2). L&I headed to Inisswood Gradens and met up with some parent adn then kids showed up. We walked all over and got pick of the kids, so cute! After pics the kids took off and L&I headed to the Rusty Bucket for dinner. While we were eating a group of 6 young girls came in without dates and sat down to eat. L&I bought their dinners. It was a fun day and evening.


20230913 - 

Had a meeting at the school district office with Coach Shade about the building
Got car washed
Worked out 
Home and finished the day at the desk


20230912 - Grant had an interview at Hot Chicken Takeover today


20230905 - Up in the am, L had her first day of school, only had 1 cryer today! J went to work and G stayed home sick. I was at the desk all day. Took a noon walk with Hazel and then back to the desk. Everyone home. I was out back with the neighbor and his daughter throwing the ball and Hazel had a seizure. Got her settled and in, watched some tv.