20211231 - Happy New Year
20211230 + Pitching
20211229 - G's Social Calendar
20211228 - Boys Out
20211228 - Up in the am and on a call. Spent the day on the PC. L in and out running errands and picking up G. I ended the day late and headed out. L&I picked at leftovers and Hazel and I ran G out to a friend's house. I went in and checked out their kitchen remodel and see how the other half live. I have no idea where people get that kind of money... Home and J took off to a friend's for the night. L&I settled in a watched a couple movies while I got some email finished up. To bed updating the blog.
20211227 + Movie Night
20211227 + Up in the am and to the desk. Had a descent load but took it pretty easy. L cleaning things up and putting things away. She cleaned the car out from top to bottom and made it shine. J had JGF? over and worked on setting up his room. After work Hazel and I walked downtown to ship a package and look at the lights. Home and L ran G out to a friend's and J went somewhere for the night. L made us some dinner and we stayed up and watched a couple good movies.
20211226 - Scrub-a-dub Dog
20211225 + Christmas
20211224 - Different Christmas Eve
20211223 - Retirement Party
20211222 - Hazel Crash
20211221 - Strange Sleep
20211221 - Up in the am, had a strange sleeping night' dead asleep by midnight, awake at 1 to ask about J coming home, dead asleep until 5 when woke up out of dream then wide awake unit about 7, up at 8 and had to work, what a mess... Got around and to the desk. L and Hazel up bugging me, J at Larson's and G still asleep. Got some things done and had my weekly call. Had a pretty productive day. Headed out to throw the ball to Hazel and D&DGF13 came over for dinner. We had a nice meal and then G headed back up to the Xbox and the rest of us watched football for a bit. D&DGF13 headed out. L&I watched some more TV while I processed last years photos. L to bed, I headed in to the office to get some more emails caught up and sell off some losing stocks and crypto. Up way too late.
20211220 - Errands
20211219 - WATER WATER WATER!!!
20211218 + Wrap it Up
20211217 - Welcome to the Metaverse
20211216 - More Phishing
20211215 - Here Comes Santa Claus
20211214 - New Pose
20211213 - Swab and 50th Bday
20211213 - Up in the am and in to the office a bit before heading to the school to get G and take him to his orthodontist appointment. It was a quick visit and we had some discussion with the Dr about getting braces off, but G needs to actually wear his rubber bands so things get where they are supposed to go... Dropped G back off at school and headed home, phone was blowing up the whole time I was on the road, still having massive connection issues at work... Back to the desk for a bit, overwhelmed with the things that have to get fixed/done. Took Hazel on a walk and was on the phone the whole time. Back to the desk, J home, L home and we got notifications from the school that J was in close proximity to someone that has tested positive for COVID so L ran all over town to find him a test. L home with the test but our home internet was down... I got that working and J got online with a nurse and took his test, it was negative. L&I packed some stuff up and headed to Sunbury for her friend Steph's 50th bday dinner. It was a good time and a nice distraction. After we ate L drove us to the office in Worthington so I could set my laptop up so they could access it and and use it for testing tomorrow. Home and L&G took out the trash and J is home tonight playing on the Xbox with G. L did a late night bathroom cleaning and relaxed a bit.
20211212 + BAD Game
20211211 - BIG Screen
20211210 + J Accepted
20211209 - SPAM
20211208 - Ground 0
20211208 - Up and to the desk, tried to get some things done but we are having all sorts of network issues so didn't move forward on anything today... so back to ground 0...
20211207 - Wreath Pickup
20211206 - Otis and Hazel
20211205 - Dribble and Sing
20211204 + Washer We Didn't Need...
20211203 - Panic Attack
20211202 - Spam Attach Day 2
20211202 - Up for another day of spam attacks and follow up, got nothing else done... Have no idea where today or tonight went...
20211201 - 1st OHCrypto.club Meeting
20211130 - Relaxer
20211129 - Lost Evening
20211128 + Tree Decorators
20211128 + Up late and worked on the light in my office and cleaned out the closet a bit. L got out the Christmas tree and started setting it up. I headed out and put some lights on the bushes, G helped a bit. We left the lights on the house all year and miraculously they all worked! Gma&paW stopped by for a quick visit. I headed out to the shed and worked on the Christmas lights on the playset with Hazel's help and threw the ball a million times. L made some hamburgers and I grilled them. In a LJG&I had dinner. Then the boys put some ornaments on the tree before J left and G went up to his Xbox. I got on my PC and tested the mic that Lonie got me and then spent the rest of the evening looking at auctions and setting up a crypto meeting for Wednesday. Up too late, mind racing.
20211127 - D in the Big House
20211126 - Odd Jobs
20211125 + Thanksgiving
20211124 - No Pheasants
20211123 - School Pics
20211122 - Cory is Back
20211122 - Up in the am and on the phone right away. Cory is back from his active duty stint and I spent the morning on the phone with him getting him up to speed. We then did some screen sharing to get him familiar with our new HR system. L home and couldn't get either mower started and wasn't happy about it. I left the desk with people on calls to try and get her running. I then dug in and got a couple things done out of my email list. Did some data processing for a bit while I was on a late afternoon call. L ran G out to play basketball, guess his ankle is better... I got out of the office and there wasn't much light left so I threw the ball to hazel a bit before heading in to eat. J headed out to a concert and L followed not long after and I picked up the laptop to try and keep up.
20211121 - Grateful
20211120 + D on Gameday
20211119 + Creepy Dummy
20211118 - Done
20211118 - Up in the am and for the first time in a week LJ&G all at school! I jumped on a call and got my day rolling. Had another bad day so done.