20190805 - Up early ate at hotel surrounded by Marines. We got on the road and drove and drove to get to Lilly PA in the middle of nowhere, to watch D play baseball in the All American Amateur Baseball Association World Series. We got there just as the game started and a guy sang the 3rd verse of the Nation Anthem, never heard that one before... D had a great game, laid down an awesome bunt his first at bat, got a single up the middle for his second, Struck out his 3rd, got walked and then picked off for his 4th. His defense was great at short and he made some awesome plays.
I walked around a bit during the game and visited the huge monument dedicated to the first commercial coal miners in the US.
The game was over in 8 as they were run ruled... We hung out after the game, gave him his sweet tea and snacks and then got back on the road. We made one more quick stop at a monument for the townspeople that stood up to the KKK and stopped their Northward advancement! On the road forever.... Home about 7:30 and got the car unloaded, house straightened up and things put away. Boys on their Xboxes and L&I sitting in the living room getting boys registered for school and their fees paid while watching a movie. Got everyone to bed in good time for a busy day tomorrow. I talked to J&G before heading to bed and they said they had a good time on vacation. A bit too much driving for me at the end, but made some great memories and had a lot of fun on this vacation.