20121231 + UP and little boys staying at farm. Went to see tractor Dad wants to get, it looks nice. Had lunch at the Farm and then drove home. The weather went crazy as we pulled into town. D was feeling sick so we stopped at the CVS Minute Clinic and it was overbooked so L took D to urgent care, he has strep...
I headed out to ship things, USPS closed, duh! I picked up D's prescription. Home and played Halo with D, then dinner, then watched TV until the ball dropped.
2012 was busy, fun, stressful, scary yet strangely at peace. I know that in 2013 this family will continue to grow and have more experiences. I hope to capture them so I can remember, and so can these wonderful boys we are doing our best to raise... May God bless us all and all we know and love in the year ahead.
20121230 - Winger Christmas
20121230 - Up and the boys outside playing in the snow, getting pulled around on the pug. In, warmed up, changed and to the Winger Christmas party at Uncle John and Aunt Mary's in Shelby. It was as always a wonderful time with way too much food, especially the chinese noodle candy :-P This year I got my own tin of it, YUM YUM! and NO I will NOT share it... On the way back to the Farm we tried to go through the Richland Co. Fairground Wunderland of Lights, but it was closed :-) Back at the Farm we stayed up late, watched a movie and monitored ebay sales.
20121229 - Another Christmas
20121228 - Winger Christmas Party
20121228 - Up in am and L out shopping. I took the boys and we hit Goodwill and a couple of cigar stores to find out what a leather cover cigar box was worth. We stopped at my buddy Dave's warehouse and got some boxes and then on to a game store so they could spend some of their Christmas cash on games. Home and had dinner then got the house ready for our holiday party. We had 32 people over and we all played games and sang a couple of songs. It was a great time and we played some fun new games. Up late listing things on ebay.
20121227 - Back to Business
20121227 - Up in am and got the shop and my office cleaned up. Ran a couple of errands with D. Had dinner with the fam and we played Just Dance 4 on the Xbox and then the boys and I shot each other in Halo. Jeff & Courtland over to talk about projects. Bed late.
20121226 - Angels, Snowmen & Broken Necks
20121226 - Up and around with the fam. Got some things ready to ship and then helped G with his LEGO project. D&I out to mail things and pick up a prescription for G. Home and had a snowball fight in the backyard and watched the boys chase Lilly. In and we played the Xbox, had some dinner and then the boys and I had a HALO match in the basement. What a blast! Up late getting things done.
20121225 + Merry Christmas!!!
20121225 + Boys up really early and down stairs. We opened gifts and it was a very nice morning. Coles, Gma&paB and Gma&paW all were here for lunch. L made a great lasagna and we had plenty of desserts. We opened some more gifts and then played. In the evening we set up the Xbox and danced and played kinects sports. Then D&I tried out his Call of Duty, it was cool. Later JG&I played Skylanders. All exhausted and happy boys to bed. A very nice Christmas :-)
20121224 - Christmas Eve Day
20121224 - Up and got some things done in the office. Then we headed to the Cole's for lunch. There were a bunch of Krafts there and we had a nice Christmas eve Lunner. D&I went to our church while everyone else went to Nicole's church (I just couldn't handle another rock-n-roll Christmas). It was a nice service and the kids had a little play. Home and all excited and wound up were the boys. We finally got them to bed and waited for Santa...
20121223 + Lunch and Cookies
20121223 + Church sucked I want to sing boys being horrible. Left L at church to teach Sunday school boys and I went to grocery and made lunch. Did stuff in office L&D got groceries, J&G rested. L back to store got last lasagna noodles. Home and I headed to Best Buy to trade in Wii for Xbox. Had to goto Reynoldsburg to get pieces for the Xbox. Home and the fam made Christmas cookies and decorated them. Up late shipping eBay sales.
20121222 - NYCousins
20121222 - Up, rough morning w/D, NOT LISTENING... To the Farm, G drove... My cousin Mark and his family were there with Uncle Russ and Aunt Nancy. We played some games, ate a lot, did some sledding, and got to know each other. We don't get to see them enough... We had Chinese for dinner and then headed home late.
20121221 - Perky
20121221 - SNOW & COLD, G Dr. Apt, all looks ok. Updating resume sites, Boys outside playing and having a messy good time. After lunch D&I ran and got the black car and dropped off the white one at Tuffy. We then got some gas and movies for the night. Home and packed up some sales and then back to get the white car and some gas, shipping peanuts and dog food. Finished packing things up and we had dinner. Then a good couple rounds of NOVA and a friend stopped over with some candy.
20121220 - Big Lights
20121220 - Up at desk a bit, then D and I out, camera store, library, bp, McD's, Goodwill. then on to Dave's warehouse where we talked about many things, especially online stores: he has 11 of them... his main one is www.diabeticfriendly.com we learned a lot as he fire hosed us with info. Two more stops: Dollar Store and Tuffy. D thought we could walk home... we called L to pick us up at the library :-) home and we checked in. Not long after D and I took off to London OH for an auction. we got a truck load of stuff and had dinner there. home and unloaded the treasures. we had to fight everyone off of our finds... the boys and I played nova until 10 and then all boys to bed. Up planning tomorrow and sorting our purchases.
20121219 - Wrap-a-thon
20121219 - Up and everyone at home for Christmas break. A bit of a loud and crazy house.... Got some things done and more stuff listed. Had dinner with the fam and then L off to zumba and the boys and I played NOVA. L home all boys to bed and we stayed up wrapping and watching movies.
20121218 - Sing-a-long
20121218 - Up in the am and got some things done, gave the trash guys their umbrella hats :-) back to he school to have lunch with J and then hung out in his room racing the kids at his table in a word search. Then we headed down to the gym for the 3rd grade sing-a-long. It was quite a show. J is the tall on the second from the right with the blue scarf. We all got to sing-a-long and it was fun. L&I got J&G and we headed home. I got some more stuff done and D got home. We had dinner then L&G headed to watch Sam and Lena and DJ&I played NOVA and relaxed. Up late with D watching TV. This is their first day of Christmas vacation.
20121217 - Scout Christmas
20121217 - Up and at the desk getting things done. J&I headed out for errands when he got home and hit the USPS, BP, City Hall and dropped off some flyers for the neighbors. Home and finished of a couple more things and then dinner with the fam. The boys and I played NOVA a bit before Scouts, then off to the Den meeting. We had a very fast paced lesson and I have each of the boys a special gift that I like to use when I can. I did my heart good to see them jumping around with their presents! Home dropped off the boys and out to the new Hobbit movie with the Bible Bangers. It was looong but REALLY GOOD!
20121216 - Young Chefs
20121216 - UP and all to church. On the way home I decided to make the boys work for their food... We stopped at the grocery and got ingredients for lunch. Home and G was put to the quiet task of cleaning carrots. J had the main task of making Cheesy Crescent Hot Dogs and D made the caramel apple pie. It was quite a spread and everyone ate, quite proud of their contributions ;-) D&I ran out to find an ugly sweater for a party he had later but couldn't find one. Home and everyone resting a bit and we had a couple friends stop by. I got a ton of things listed on ebay. Took D to the church youth party. All back home and boys to bed.
20121215 + Old Sam
20121215 + Up in the am and to an interview for the Gahanna School Board; It went good. Home and got J&I went to one of the rentals to get a toothbrush out of a sink drain... We then tried to go to some garage sales but they were in 'questionable' areas... We grabbed a sub and caught up with the rest of the family an headed to Sam's 5th bday party. Sam is getting old fast... We had a good time and then I ran D to his friend bday party, hit the Salvation Army, the bank and video store before picking up LJ&J at the Cole's. Home and them back out to get D. Home and a scared screaming J sorta to bed. D helped me list a couple eBay items.
20121214 - D Shopping
20121214 - Up and at the desk and worked all day. I took D Christmas shopping. We all met for a family dinner at FM. Home played some NOVA,
Watched a movie, little boys to bed and D wrapped his presents. Up late working numbers :-( D had a bit of a school shooting rant, not wanting to do homework and sucky grades...
Watched a movie, little boys to bed and D wrapped his presents. Up late working numbers :-( D had a bit of a school shooting rant, not wanting to do homework and sucky grades...
20121213 - School Board?
20121213 - UP and at the desk. I ran out to get a hair cut and check out suppliers. Home and listed items. Boys home, dinner and then I went to the School Board meeting to see if I should run for... L took the boys to the Pack Meeting. Since I was not there D did my part of the meeting for me. All back home and up late doing research.
20121212 - G Shopping
20121212 - Up and at the desk all day. G&I went Christmas shopping and had a good time. Home and wrapping presents before and after dinner. L to zumba and the boys and i played NOVA. Up late doing things.
20121211 + Review
20121211 + I have no recollection of today's events :-o I do know we had a Boy Scout Board of Review tonight...
20121210 - Singing in the Brain
20121210 - Up and D&J off to School and L to work. G home with me, not feeling well; or so he says... But he is doing just fine coloring, watching TV and playing his iTouch... I got some Monday morning things done and my resume ready to send off for a professional rewrite. L at a work Christmas party, J home then L home to get G and took him into the Dr. D home and the boys doing homework. L sent me a text that G had Strep! holy crap this boy has been sick since Halloween! I heated up dinner for DJ&I, we ate, played a bit of NOVA. L&G home, he got a shot a in the butt! Gma&paW arrived and we headed to D's singing concert. We left the sick-os at home GpaW&G. The concert was actually pretty good. WAY BETTER THAN THE PAINFUL HORRIBLE BAND CONCERTS!!!! D of course didn't sing a note, but faked it, I could tell that from 100 yards back. Home, Gma&paW headed out, all boys to bed and I went to Bible Bangers. Home up late researching
ebay stores.
ebay stores.
20121209 - High Bid Day
20121209 - Up in am, D cooked cinnamon rolls for bfast. DJ&I got ready to head out, L&G home. DJ&I headed to an auction in Johnstown where we got a couple of things for our ebay store. Home for a bit, I got a couple of things listed, G was sleeping. In the late afternoon DJ&I headed to Delaware to the 4C's Auction hose. We got there for the 4:30 Auction and it was GREAT! we bid on all sorts of stuff and J was my bidder. He was picked by the auctioneer as the person that bid the most and got to pick out the winning raffle ticket during the break, he got a $5 tip too :-) More bidding and soon we had the big white car full of treasures. We headed home at 8:30!!! Home and we unloaded our treasures to the amazement of G&L.
20121208 - Sick and Polar
20121208 - Up and to the YMCA to get D at 6am. We hit McD's for bfast and then Kroger for doughnuts. Home and back to bed for both of us. Soon everyone up and L&G off to the Polar Express and to stay at Gma&paB's for the night. I left D&J at home and went to some sales. Didn't find anything though. Home and trying to figure out the rest of the day with an exhausted 13yr old and a sick 9yr old :-( I got them around and we went to Home Depot to gt some lighting supplies and then to Panda Express to get dinner. Home and we hung our new lights and put up Jack's new santa. We had dinner and then played NOVA. J&I teamed up on D and he still beat us :-o L just sent me a text that G just barfed at Gma&paB's :-(
20121207 - Sick Bay
20121207 - Got to sleep about 5:30 last night... Up in am dragging, G home from school sick today. Got some things done. L home, J home. Then J&I went to a sale and cleaned up. We got a bunch of really cool stuff. We stopped at Subway on the way home and got dinner. home and all ate, I took D to an all night lock in with the Scouts. L took J to the Dr, he has strep throat... I then got to go sit in the pharmacy to get his meds. Home and little boys camped out in the living room. I did some ebay research.
20121206 - That's My Boy!
20121206 - Up at the desk getting things done. L home and we ran to drop off my app for the open school board position. Home and working on resume and presentation. J had a buddy over after school (look at his hat!!!!). Dinner with the fam then L&D out clothes shopping while JG&I played NOVA and had a blast. All back home and played some more. Jeff over for software discussion but Courtland didn't show... had a good meeting anyway. Buy to bed, listed more stuff on ebay. Up late listening to ebay training videos. Then G started puking... I'm up with him...
20121205 - Paper Shooter
20121205 - UP and at the desk getting a lot of things done. L home and we ran to the bank and got lunch. Worked on stuff the rest of the day and then out for dinner with the fam. L off to zumba and the boys and I played video games for a bit and then Sorry, until G lost it. Got them cleaned up and then J&I played some Stratego. All boys to bed and while we were putting J to bed he broke down sobbing. He confessed to shooting the paper off of his straw at lunch today and getting in trouble by the grumpy cafeteria guy and missing his entier recess because he had to clean up the cafeteria. The poor baby was beside himself. L and I up and watched a movie.
20121204 + New App
20121204 + Up and at the desk. Had a call with some old Dutch friends and an exciting app they are building. Got some things in line and ready to tackle over the next couple of days. When J got home from school we set out the weather vanes we made yesterday and started filling out his weather chart. When D got home we ran to the bank, got some ink at the ink store, got groceries and dropped off some ebay packages at the post office. Home for dinner with the fam and some NOVA on our iDevices before I ran to City Hall to apply for a board position. Back home and played more NOVA with the boys, L at Zumba. All boys to bed, worked on some stuff, ready for tomorrow.
20121203 - Light on Front Porch
20121203 - Up and into work. Not much going on so we are reducing the hours... Home early, shipped ebay sales from weekend. Boys home, had dinner. Played NOVA and then DJ&I to Scouts. We had a good meeting, visited the Boy Scouts and watched their opening. We made weather vanes and cards for soldiers. We ran to the bank on the way home and then picked up Doc and off to Bible Bangers.
20121202 - Thrifty
20121201 - Shoot'em up!
20121201 - Up way to early, picked up my buddy John at 6:45 am for bfast at Waffle House. We then headed to the CCW class for 10 hrs :-s, shooting for 2 hrs :-) Uncle Johnny was there and it was pretty cool. Earned my certificate, need to apply now. Dropped John off, home 9pm. Exhausted but ready to get my concealed weapons permit :-)
20121130 + Caught
20121130 + Up and worked a bit then went to look at a house with Jeff. Had a conference call with Arno about an app he came up with. Did some more work... All the fam together and out to dinner at BWs. Then a stop at the Home Depot to get garland for the house. All boys to bed and G up in the middle of the night.
20121129 - Dark Start and Stop
20121129 - Up and into work. Drove home in the dark :-( Caught the end of dinner with the fam. J had a friend over after school and they had a good time playing. L ran to the library and the boys and i played a shoot'em up against eachother on our iDevices. All boys to bed. I worked cleaning up the basement a bit.
20121128 - All Systems NO GO
20121128 - UP and was going in to work, but got an early email that the system was down... So started making calls right away. Finally got resolved by 1, then too late to go in. Worked the rest of the day and then dinner with the fam. D&I ran some errands while L took J&G with her to Zumba. Home, all boys to bed. Zombied out in front of the tv. Up late ordering Christmas gifts.
20121127 + Jancer
20121127 + Up worked from home. Slow day but organized. Boys home, had dinner together. L out for Zumba. Boys dancing while we downloaded a game N.O.V.A 3 on our iDevices. Once downloaded we blew each other to bits. It was FUN! L home, all boys to bed. We called GmaW to wish her happy bday! L&I up late planning Christmas.
20121126 - Three Amigos
20121126 - Up and into work. Made some unexpected changes to the software quick and it worked very nice. System running really slow so home a bit early. Wrestled with G and then we had dinner. Watched American Pickers with D, then off to Scouts with J. Had an ok meeting. Home and back out to Bible Bangers. Home and up late messing on PC.
20121125 - Tree Up
20121125 - Up and L&J out to get groceries and then set up the Christmas tree. D, his friend and G&I headed out to ship eBay times, deliver wreaths and look for a garage sale. We went to a gun show in Jeffersonville and then found a few geocaches. We stopped at a hotdog place in grove city to eat and then home for D and his friend to try out his new throwing knives. I shipped more ebay things. L and the boys decorated the tree. We had dinner and watched a movie about a mouse in a house and some goffy guys, then all boys to bed. Chris over to watch walking dead. Up late prepping for the week.
20121124 - Football Day
20121123 - Black Friday
20121123 - Up and L&I out shopping as usual. We got many things off our list and had a relaxing time. Back to the Farm and packed up and headed home.
20121122 - Farm Thanksgiving
20121122 - Up early and out on the hunt. Dylan got a bird and I did too. It was a beautiful morning and a nice brisk walk all over the Farm. Pheasants cleaned up and us too, we met at the Farmhouse for a wonderful dinner and tons of family and fun. It is always great to be at the Farm with everyone around. After the exciting full day we headed up to Gma&paW's to relax and watch the Michael Jackson documentary: it was a huge disappointment.
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