20190815 - Up in the am and J down with seconds to spare to get to his first day as a sophomore. We got a pic outside and zoomed to school. This got me in to work early and off to a good start. D got his eyes checked today and made a bat for someone in just a couple hours. I ran out of gas towards the end of the day... Home and everyone in the living room chatting and getting along. We sat down for dinner and everyone told about there day, new teachers and classes and who was in their study hall and what their friends did over the summer... I then headed downtown to Signatures and met a couple of the Booster Board members there for a meeting and a couple beers. It was a good meeting and I got home about 9:30. Sat with folks in the living room and chatted. All to bed in good time. I stayed up too late working on Booster stuff for Wilmington College and Gahanna... YAWN