20190826 - Up in the am and dropped J off at school and in to work. Got on the phone right away to do some cleanup on a program I wrote and hung up 3 hours later :-o Finished the day in spreadsheets and headed home. L had picked J up from Xc and they ran in the rain, he was soaked head to toe. J got cleaned up and went out for his 3rd driving lesson. G was picked up by a friend for a volleyball game at the middle school. That left L&I home and we ate and then called D to see if he was having a good birthday. This is the 1st time in 20 years we have not been with him on this day... So proud of the man he is becoming. Can't say much more without being overcome by emotions...

G got home and L ran him to Scouts as I was dead asleep in the chair... J home and I managed to get up and head to Scouts to pick G up and check in with the guys. Home for a min and J and JGF3 were here. I called Doc and told him I would right out. I was on the way out and JGF3 had backed out, Doc thought it was me and was trying to get in her car :-) I got Doc and we went to Bible Bangers for a good quick check in and a bit of study. Home and in the office until 3am trying to get ahead of everything. To bed and incredibly uncomfortable, last time I looked at the clock it was 4:20...