20180620 + Up in the am and in to work. Got a ton of stuff done today and graphically represented for ease of explanation. Headed home through horrible rains and bad traffic to get L&G to head back out across town to Upper Arlington. We got to the field and somehow the clouds split and we had rain to the North and South of us and we got the game in. G did ok, not following through with his swing and grumpy about it... The boys had a great game overall and won 13-4. We stopped at Tee Jaye's for some steak and eggs on the way home, it was nice to sit with L&G and just relax. On the way home we swung through Wendy's to get some food for D&J. Home and we sat at the table with D&J as they ate. D worked at the pool today, through the rain, and had a good conversation with his college baseball coach. J skipped running in the morning and didn't do much all day... everyone cleaned up and to bed.