20180608 - Up in the am, made sure D was up, fed Lilly and headed in to work. Learned a bit more about entering data and figured out the desk box I need to build. Had a lunch to honor a fellow that was leaving Df so I attended that and met some more folks. After lunch I met with several other folks and gathered more intel. I wrapped up the day and headed home to pick up J. J&I went to Meijer where we got him a billfold, then we went to Home Depot to get supplies to make my monitor stand. On to Family Video and we couldn't find anything worth watching so headed on to Best Buy where we looked at TVs and eventually traded in his watch for a new Xbox One S. Steak n' Shake was our next destination and we each had a Frisco burger w/ cheese fries, a hot dog, a mushroom burger and s milkshake, we were STUFFED. Home and unloaded stuff and J got the new Xbox set up and D&DGF7 joined us to watch a funny movie in the basement while J worked on the old Xbox. To bed not too late. A good day!