20210723 - Up early and in to the office. A guy that was a key player in the meeting and supposed to be there texted and said he wouldn't make it, so I called and fired him. Meeting happened and took all day. Good progress, finding lots of things that need fixed... Home in good time and hung out with L for a bit, and she showed me her demo work for the day before we ran to pick up pizza for dinner. Home and ate and D showed up. One of the tires on his car has been losing air for a month, so he's going to take our car to Massilon for softball tomorrow. D hung out and ate, chatted with us and watched some of the Olympic opening ceremonies. G home from the pool and ate and hung out too. J home from work, D took off and G headed upstairs. I woke L up so she could se the USA folks march in and the final pieces of the opening before heading to bed.