20210702 - UP in the am and did a couple of quick things at the desk and then L&I headed to Cincinnati. We got to the university baseball field and got to watch G play on this beautiful field. My buddy Chris' son lives here on campus and he grew up around my boys in school and scouts and he swung by to watch and chat and tell us about life in the big city. G played well and had an amazing sliding catch the PBR featured on their social media. After the game LG&I headed to Quaker Steak and Lube where G and Trent had arranged for the team to go and eat. No one else showed up... We ate and then headed to the hotel. We got there and they don't clean the rooms unless it is prearranged, that didn't happen. There were no towels, took us 3 different trips and 5 different keys to get in to the room and it was a shit show from 3 boys staying there last night... and they are completely booked so I can't just grab a clean room... We headed to the Reds game and met up with G's team. It was a great time, the Reds won and there were fireworks afterward. Back to the hotel and they had cleaned the room up a bit after my talking with the manager on the way out. Checking on things and J still not home, 2am, Hazel been locked in her for 6 hours... Not happy with J...