20211225 + Up in the am got showered and had on of the cinnamon rolls L made all before the boys got up. This is way different than years past... L got the boys up and we gathered to open presents. We took turns and even Hazel used her paws and opened her presents carefully removing the paper and retrieving her toys. The boys got things they needed and liked, L got a new phone and I got 4 OSU hats. After the openings D&G worked on their Legos and J went upstairs and put his new bed together, L got the house ready for guests. Lonie showed up and then Gma&paW, JGF? and the Coles. We had a nice lunch and then headed to the basement to open some more gifts and play a game that had everyone laughing. Out guests left and we cleaned up a bit. J headed to JGF?'s, G up to the Xbox and LD&I watched the new Matrix in the basement. Praise God for such a very nice day.