20211120 + Up in the am and L cleaning. D texting us from the OSU pregame, he was on TV behind the ‘Gameday’ show. I did a couple things at the desk and then Hazel and I headed out to run some errands. We took the eBay shipment to the post office and then had to run back home because I left me wallet at home. Next stop the pet store. Had to turn around halfway there because I for the leash. We finally made it to the pet store, everyone there loves her. We got a bunch of stuff for Hazel and swung by Jet’s to pick up our pizza on the way home. Home for the OSU game and parked in front of the tv. At halftime L ot the blower out and worked on some leaves and I replace a couple towel bars and threw the ball to hazel a bit. Back to the TV to watch the second half.