20211116 - Up in the am, L&G at school J home doing better. I headed in to the office and had a busy morning. Hazel and I took a walk and then back to the desk. I finished the day, G walked home from school and we got some dinner. After dinner I headed to the church for the Cub Scout Dessert Auction. There were not as many items to choose from as in years past and no super cool ones that got my attention, so I met one of the dad's I knew and made sure his kids was ok not taking his own cake home and the auction began. They auctioned off a couple cakes and got a couple bucks for them and then pulled the cake I wanted and we ran the price WAY UP! I got the cake for $300 and it set the place a buzz and the prices on the items to follow went up. I headed home and did some crypto investigation the rest of the evening.