20200927 + Up in the am and L got G from sleep over and he went to bed, J to work and L&I headed up to the Farm. I got tools and parts loaded up and I opened the garbage disposal we bought last night just to make sure it had a dishwasher connection. It did but I also found out the disposal in the box was an old one that someone had returned... So on the way we stopped at Home Depot and swapped it out for an actual new one, that I opened in the store to confirm it was brand new. It was a nice day and a quick drive. We got there and for whatever reason dad wanted to review all the things we looked at last weekend, so we looked at the breaker in the milkhouse, looked at the wiring to the water heater and then looked at the garbage disposal... Land mom headed out to buy cat and cow food and lunch for us and I got to working on the garbage disposal. 30 min later new disposal in and working perfect and aerators replaced on the kitchen and utility room sinks. L and mom showed up and we had a nice lunch. John and Mary showed up and we chatted for a bit before we headed down to the Farmhouse where in short order I removed and bypassed the old knifed fuse box to the water heater. There was plenty of other small things that could be done but dad wasn't feeling up to it so we all sat on the front porch and chatted a bit before L&I headed home. We got home and L ran G to basketball and we had pork chops on grill and watched football on the back porch while I got next week lined up for work. In and watched some more football until we all headed to bed.