20200924 - Up in the am and L at work and I got J up and G was already online. I headed out and stopped at the post office, Scout store and then the office. We had a meeting with an IT company today, Chatted with CB a bit and drove the IT guys to do a bit more cleaning. Lonie and I headed to MicroCenter where he got a new microphone and I got a new PC for the home office. I chatted with dad on the way home and then J helped me carry in stuff from the car and Amazon deliveries. unpacked and delivered the new alarm clock to J&G and then sat down at the desk to get online for the first time today. Got only a couple of things done before it was time to head to G's XC meet. L drove me there so I could finish up a couple things. It was in Westerville and Sam was running and it was the first time they have been in a race together. Both boys did well, well G had a crap or some other excuse but still came in 13th in the 2 mile event with 13.03 and Sam 44 at 17:43. We hung out with Rich, Nicole and Lena during the race. After the race we headed home and we swung through Popeye's to get spicy chicken sandwiches for dinner. Home and we ate on the back porch and I started putting together the fire pit that arrived. L ran to get G from school and home for a min and G&I headed to hitting lessons. G did good at lessons and his coach asked him to join his team for a game next week. On the way home we ran out to pick up some Booster stiff from a lady's house. Home and I finished the fire pit, hooked up the gas and hung out on the back porch with G until midnight.