20200906 - Up in the am and L got J up for work and then LG&I headed out. We stopped and got Trent, G's buddy on the way and headed to the Farm. On the drive up we got a call from Wendy's looking for J 15min after he was supposed to be at work... We got the Farm in good time and GpaW helped the boys get the pug out for a couple laps around the yard, makes me nervous... Then he cooked some pork chops on the grill. We had a nice lunch and then headed up to see the changes at Camp Mowana, I hadn't been there forever. We explored Onieda as it was unlocked and these are its last days. we then hiked across the bridges and trails I built ages ago with Trevor from Jamaica back to the falls. Things are overgrown and L&I couldn't find all the indian faces, but I found our 'MW ❤︎ LB' I put in the cement 26 years ago! we hiked through the pines and looked in some cabins, checked out where the pool use to be and the pond that is filling in. It was a nice walk on a beautiful day. We gathered up and headed back to the Farm for some ice cream and then hit the road, both boys falling asleep on the way. We dropped Trent of and I chatted with his dad about baseball a bit and then home and on to the back porch. Soon kids were coming through the gate to play wiffle ball with G and hang out. G wanted kids to spend the night but it was just too much for us and too late to arrange.