20200912 - Up early and L&I headed to New Albany to watch G run in an XC race. G told L that this was not going to be a good race for him when she dropped him off... he was right, came in 20 something. I guess the $130 running shoes were a bad investment...We headed home and I got on the PC to get some stuff done and then headed to the garage to give it a good cleaning. Just as I got started I had to run G to baseball practice downtown. There was too much traffic for us to cut over and get off at the Greenlawn exit and we had to go down tot he Frank rd. exit. Well Frank rd. is CLOSED the direction we wanted to go... go we took back roads to get all the way back up to 70 and try again... So on track to be on-time turned in to 15 min late... How's it possible? Got to practice and it was a good one. The guy that runs the organization showed up with hats and shirts for the boys and they got them after practice and posed for a sec. Home and J still doing homework and L went with me to deliver G to a bday party at his buddy Andrews. Home and I finished cleaning out the garage and then retired to the back porch with some of the shepherds pie L made for dinner and she walked down to the neighbors to pick up some socks and stayed and chatted until after dark. I made another candle out of leftover wax and watched TV until too cold to be outside. In and up late editing videos.