20200919 + Up in the am just in time to get to G to baseball practice, I helped where I could... G did good in the field today and hit really well. Home and L was in a cleaning frenzy... I dis mantled the Hyundai fan for the second week in a row and removed leaves and nuts from the cabin fan. I took the filter out this time and it is obvious something chewed through it... I called the auto parts store to see if they had a filter in stock and Dawn, the lady i had to evict years ago and stuck me for a couple grand, was working the desk and she confirmed she had what I needed, so I ran there and she had my options ready for me. I got the filter and ran home and replaced it. Next was L's headlights that weren't working... I looked in the fuse box and after I got all the peanut shells vacuumed out all the fuses looked good. I removed the bulbs and both headlights were burnt out; back to the auto part store. Dawn wasn't there this time so I had to find the bulbs on my own... Back home and got the bulbs in and all good. L was now hanging out of the upstairs window and cleaning the siding... G showed up, didn't know he was gone, with 5 kids in the backyard and jumped on the trampoline and played wiffle ball. I finished up all my jobs and settled in on the back porch. L joined me eventually. We sat on the porch and watched college football until it got too cold for us and we went in and finished the night.