20200801 + Up early and got the car, rack on the back and loaded up. We headed out without a trip to the beach and got up the road. We got D on the phone. And he sounds much better today and is up and out getting his prescriptions filled. We stopped at the giant strawberry for an ice cream treat and some peaches.
Back on the road, L drove some so I could arrange some baseball tryouts for G. I got quite a few things lined up and took over driving just as we crossed the VA state line, and yes I missed the 'Welcome to Virginia' picture, which gave L great pleasure and reinforced her 'it is not as easy as you think' comments for years... We drove and drove only stopping 1 or 2 more times and pulled in tot he hose right at 9:00 PM. I checked on D, helped get things unloaded, and then got on the phone about baseball. About 11:00 PM all the calls were over and L finished up cleaning and D was OK and everyone, except Lilly, is home and safe. Hit the bed and crashed hard.