20190726 - Up in the am and in to work, L dropped G off at XC. I stopped to fuel up the car on the way. In and caused my usual disruption. Dug in to stuff to finalize everything is good to go for next week. Finished up a bit late but confident things will be fine and headed home. Home got L&J and we dropped J off in Bexley with JGF2. L and I parked and went to a restaurant that was too fancy for her so we drove out Main St until she found something that suited her, Flavor 91 burger place. The food was amazing but the service was almost as slow as the Mifflin Inn... we rushed out after scarfing down our food and made it to Pickerington to pick G up from a bday party. Found my buddy Bill's car in the parking lot and decorated it a bit... Home and getting things in order for the trip. I installed another camera in the basement gameroom and then D home from a 10hr day, J home a bit after 11. All to bed expecting a busy day tomorrow.