20190713 - Up in the am and G&I out to the fire station where a young man gave us a tour of the trucks and explained things to G&I. It was super cool and as we left G said 'I think you liked that more than I did!'. I did, those huge trucks a re cool! We thne swung through Kroger to get supplies for the weekend and headed home. We unloaded our groceries and all of us headed North to Delaware for a family picnic with L's family. D got to go too as his games were cancelled for the day, too many injured players... We had a good time and ate a ton and G&I played a lot of cornhole with other family members on the board we made. After the picnic we headed home and finalized things for Scout camp starting tomorrow. L&I ran some errands picking up last minute things for the boys, dinner and some things at Home Depot. Home, ate and watched a movie. All to bed in good time for a busy day tomorrow.