20190720 + Up at the crack of dawn and on the road. Attempted to swing through the McDonalds on the edge of town but that was as expected, a complete disaster and loss of 10 minutes: I got on the highway with no food and will NEVER go to that McD's again. 2 hour and 45min later I arrive at camp. As in years past I head back to the campsite to hurry the boys along. As I arrived at the camp I ran into Roger and asked how camp went, he replied 'Good fro some of us, not so good for others'. I asked if he was referring to my boys and he just made a sound like 'Eh'. Uh Oh what did one of my idiots do??? In to camp and immediately Rob, the Scoutmaster, said he needed to talk to me, this is not how i expected this morning to go... Rob called me over and Jack and another boy to let me know that Jack and his friend decided to do nothing all week, got no merit badges and failed to get their Pipestone. Several explanations were made and blah blah, but J was about to die when he pulled out his 5th year Pipestone and let me know it was all a joke and everyone, all Scouts and adults, were in on it. They got a good laugh as they saw me go from 0 to J Dead in a flash. Relieved, but still going kill J for doing that to me... Lowered the flag in the camp and then we hiked back tot he cars and everyone told talked of the week and how much fun they had, how good the Winger boys were... Got my boys int he car, gave them their clean clothes and pop and candy bars and we headed to the Dutch Kitchen in Dalton for lunch. On the way the boys told story after story of the funny and goofy and good things that happened. To the restaurant and we got the tables reserved and claimed. Soon the others showed up and we had a feats. Back on the road and the boys got their phones so they went silent... To the Farm and stopped for a quick visit with Gma&paW, where the boys told them the highlights of the week. Back on the road before we all fell asleep with a quick stop to look over the woodshed at the Farmhouse; it is not savable... On the road, stopped for gas and then nonstop to church to pick up the blue cards and on home. Home and J loved his desk and the other things L did in his room. J&G got cleaned up. L at D's 2 games of the day in record high heat advisories... J&G, all cleaned up and glued to their electronics and I attempted to rest a bit. Eventually L&D got home and J&G retold their stories of adventure. L&I out to pick up some last minute things from Home Depot and swung by Chipotle & Cane's to get dinner. Home and we all sat down together and ate and more tales were told as we all got caught up on what happened over the last week. After dinner J decided it would be a good idea to spend the night at a friends... and the rest of us watched the new 'Shazam' before heading to bed.