20190707 + Up, church with L, Brunch with L, L&D to D's game, I ran to pick up J from friends and we stopped by baseball fields to get tarps. Home and J in room/bathroom for next 2hrs, G back at ball fields watching tournament, knows a lot of people there and brought various groups of kids home periodically throughout the day... I got things done in the office and prereqs clearly defined for J&G for upcoming Scout camp. Out to the garage and fixed the big black speaker handle and made 1 good folding chair out of two. Ended up on the back porch working on Booster advertising stuff and had lots of visitors throughout the afternoon. In the evening I headed out to get gas and then Planet Fitness to work on a base tan so i would get roasted when we get to the beach in a couple of weeks. The folks there really had no idea how to use the tanning bed and in 7 minutes I was burned like a piece of bacon... ugh... Home and played Trouble with G and this friends before they were aloud to play the Xboxes. Up late listing to the loud boys and watching more 'Dark'.