20210123 - Up in the am and G at basketball and J&I headed out. We swung through McD's and got some bfast on the way to the depot in Reynoldsburg to pick up some auction wins. We got our stuff and headed to a Lowe's that was on the way home to pick up some locking things for the garage back door. Home and I got a couple locks installed on the garage back door and mounted an external siren that links to our security system. In and at the desk looking through energy providers to lock in rates before they go crazy high. I then joined L in the living room where I went through the rest of the things in the filing cabinet. I then came up with a list of things yet to get to finish our new security plan. L&I watched some TV and I got a blast sent out for the Boosters. I ordered Chinese late and Hazel went with me to the post office and to pick up our late night snack.