20210113 - Up in the am and J off to school first, then G missed his bus so L had to take him and when G got out of the car he took the car fob with him so L made it to school, but G has the keys for the car... I got online and got my morning things done. I moved in to the office and before long Hazel and I had to fire up the whistling white car and take the extra set of keys to L at her school. L came out when she heard/saw us and let us know she found the keys. Hazel and I went to the gas station and then headed home where I got glued to the desk/phone for the rest of the day. L home and started cleaning, J home and took a nap before heading to work and G home playing with hazel and then L took G and Owen to basketball practice. I organized things to get done the rest of the evening and tomorrow and headed out of the office. I got a couple of things done before I had to join my Landscape Board meeting via Zoom. After the call I hung out with L for the night.