20190928 - Up in the am and L had already ran J&G to their schools to get the bus for the XC meet in London this morning. JGF3 showed up and she rode with L&I to the meet. We ran some errands on the way and then headed to the meet. We got there and got parked and waled about as far as the boys would run today. To the race field and got to see J's start, he was way out front. J had a good race and we didn't notice until afterwards that he ran almost the entire race with only one shoe! After a break it was G's turn to run. It was a very hilly course but G did well too. After the races we headed to D's baseball game in Wilmington. It was a good game, but D's team lost. We headed to DQ after the game to eat and D and his room mate joined us for a treat. Home and Bill and Tiff over and the 4 of us walked downtown to watch the first half of the Buckeye game. We headed home at halftime to discover that J in his haste to leave backed L's big whit car into the front of Bill's Jeep and scratched up the front corner... After we got J calmed down the McClain's left and we settled in to watch the rest of the game.