20190910 - Up in the am and in to work. Head down all day. One of the changes I made broke our financial radar tool so spent the day fixing it... Headed towards home and swung by G's XC meet. G had a good run, even not feeling well, but no one could see there time as some dude was standing in front of the clock... Home and got laptop out, working on updates to the HR tool. Headed out for a Scout Board of Review, no kids showed up... Home and J home late, was with JGF3. Still no sign of J's laptop... Closed the night down. Then upstairs at midnight had to tell G to put away his markers and get some sleep and J was trying on homecoming clothes... exactly why we want him home at a descent hour, so he can do normal life things and not get so far behind. I was up working on HR tool until 3:45am...