20190919 - Up very slow in the am and dropped J off at school on the way in to work. Met up with the Finance and HR teams as I walked in the door and spent the first 30 min with them. Was surprised that HR was not using the processes they requested and were set up for them... Up to my desk to get things done. Lonie brought me a vegetarian bagel for lunch. Not bad but gave me horrible gas the rest of the day... Home a bit early and started working on the garage floor, I decided to put the rest of the clear coat I bought on it instead of returning it. Figured it would add a year or 2 to the life of the floor before I would have to redo it and that was worth the $100. J out with some friends going to a concert this evening. L ran to pick G up from XC, called me just as I was ready to mix the epoxy and said she was coming home ill, I would have to get G... ran and got G... home and put the last layer of epoxy on the garage floor. G got picked up by another dad and taken to batting practice. finished up the clearcoat, hard to paint what is clear and wet looking and know where you left off... DONE, cleaned up, and fired up the PC. Got notifications set up to go out this evening for both D&G's baseball teams. Headed to D-Bat to get G. G&I went through K-Roger to return some shampoo, ran in to Andy and chatted about Boosters a bit. On to Giant Beagle to search endlessly for my shampoo... couldn't find it so we smelled about 300 different ones and left with our noses ruined. We swung through Arby's on the way home and picked up dinner. Home and ate. Started watching a movie and I fell asleep in the chair... Got G to bed, J home very late front he concert, he had a blast. Up late keeping ahead of the wave.