20190918 - Up slow in the am and dropped J off at school and headed in to the office. A lot of folks in my office this am moving various projects forward and getting things done. Eventually pulled myself away from the desk to run downtown, get stuck in bad traffic and get Scout awards. I did talk to some past colleagues on the way there and back so that was nice. Back in the office and moving very fast directing and helping on many projects today. Headed home, J home sick from school so no XC for him, L made dinner for G&I and then L&I ran to Lowe's to get some more supplies for the garage floor. We decided to put a gloss coat on the floor for extra durability and to even out the color flakes from the original application. It didn't take us very long and it looks AMAZING! What a difference adding the gloss top coat. In and boys settled for the night, I stayed up way too late working on a Booster thing for Wilmington College Baseball.