20190906 + Up in the am and dropped J off for school. The map was red so I headed to 270 the back way and when I got to the entrance of 270 it was blocked off by police cars and the highway was shut down due to an accident, so I took back roads to the office. Once at work I went straight into the HR dept to help them get the final pieces in place so they could send out insurance enrollment info. J ran home after school, got his stuff and went straight back to school to get the bus to head for an overnight trip to Mason for his favorite XC meet of the year. I Headed home a bit early to swing by Ink My Graphics to chat with the owner about setting up a webstore. I ran G to the church and dropped him off with the scouts. They are heading up to the Farm tonight and then on to Put-In-Bay for the weekend.
The McClains swung by and picked L&I up and we headed to the Clippers game downtown. We had a blast just hanging out, eating dime a dogs and having a couple beers. Home and to bed for a big day tomorrow.