20190902 + Up late and got around. G&I put another layer of Bondo on L's car. JGF3 came over and we all got in the big white car and headed over to Owen and Conor's houses to pick them up. A full car load we headed to the Johnstown Swappers Day. A quick stop to get gas and I tried to teach Owen how to pump gas... better luck next time... Got a case of water and on to the event. We got a front row parking spot and headed in looking for wonders. There were the usual sea of tents with treasurers pouring out into the isles.. Owen and G both got wireless ear buds, JGF3, Conor and G each got some fad bead bracelet thing, Conor got a whiskey decanter, J bought an old PlayStation without controls or power cables...L got some little hors d'oeuvres bowls and I got glazed pecans, 10 umbrella hats and some peaches. Gma&paW arrived and we walked with them a bit and then we all headed back towards home. Gma&paW took G and they went shopping at the Goodwills in town. LJ,JGF3&I met them at O'Charley's for an interesting dinner (make sure Derrick is not your server...) Home and J mowed the yards. L&I met the new neighbor kids, both smoking, even the pregnant one, out back with their 4 pit bulls... We'll see how this goes... in and watched some football, all to bed.