20190925 - Up in the am, a bit later than usual as JGF3 came early to get J. Somehow J was able to get up about an hour earlier than usual to drive her to school... I took my time and got into the office and started getting things done. Had a surprise assignment come up that needs done today and a visitor I have to host. Headed home after the meeting, picked up L and headed to the neurologist appointment. He didn't have much to say except if weird stuff starts happening again let him know... I left L at the hospital so she could visit with her sister that had an operation yesterday. I headed home, set up my office and got some more stuff done. Ran out to pick up G from XC and back to the desk. No sign of J, he decided he would go to a tennis match without letting us know... L home with GmaB, Sam and Lena, they picked up G and headed out for dinner. I headed to Home Depot to get more garage supplies, hit the gas station and got some dinner. home and ate. L&G home, J decided to have dinner with his friends at Conor's house... L&I headed in to the garage and ripped up the old carpet, cleaned things and then painted the steps. J finally home, we got to talk to him for 10 min... All to bed.