20190625 + Up in the am and L on a walk, D heading out to work and I headed out too. Sat in the car for 15 on the phone when I got to work on a call. In to the office and CB was in the big office this morning. At the desk getting things cleaned up. Had a many faceted day and headed out a bit late. Home and G has a friend over. Not home for but a minute and then LG, G's friend and I headed to D's baseball game here in Gahanna, J stayed home to practice his Xbox skills... D had a great game, lots of hits and some good plays at short. Austin, D's friend, yelled over to me for some help as the team was out of water and he couldn't figure out how to get them more. We headed into the bathroom and improvised... After the game we headed home and had some subs. D helped me in the garge rearrange the Google Wifi so the mesh access points could be hard wired for better coverage. We got that done and a bit of cabling and all is good. I tied off with D&J on a couple of things and headed to bed to watch Game of Thrones with G and his buddy Jeremy playing downstairs on the Xboxes.