20190629 - Up late, got J started in the office and headed our the garage to clean up. G came out and put the new part on his pitching machine and made a new mounting plate so it is ready for to use. D came down and we got the lathe out for him and say we lost a set screw so D ran to the hardware store to get a new one and then he started turning a real bat. While he was working noticed the billet D was working on had a crack all the way through it... J&I took off to run some errands. We noticed the time so I called the wood store, told them we were on our way so we headed there first. We got the bat billet and then on to Reynoldsburg where we dropped off G's viola to see if they could sell it and pick up an auction win. On the way home we stopped at the Goodwill and the post office. Home and D had done a lot of work on lathe, tested all the knifes so he knew what they all did. He was packing up and headed to his game. I got G out of the house adn put some tools in his hand and he measured and cut out the holes on the cornhole boards and then helped me glue and fasten the tops to the frames. Doc stopped over as we were cutting the legs and watched the final assembly process. Once we had the boards assembled, G&I had to test them out. THEY WORK GREAT! In to the house to get changed and we all headed out. We dropped J off at Conor's and LG&I headed to Don Edwards Field in Newark to watch D's game. It was a really nice stadium and G got to participate in a dizzy bat competition where he won a shirt some ice cream and a bracelet. The boys played well and won! Home about midnight with a quick stop at Meijer to find some stickers for our cornhole board, they were too small so we dropped L off at home and G&I went to Kroger to look for more stickers. D home and we all headed to bed. I got in one episode of Game of Thrones.