20190611 - UP in the am and in to the new office. Worked on finance stuff all morning and then had a process meeting in the afternoon. Headed home late and had dinner with LJ&G and then we attempted to have J drive us to D's baseball game. J's car was dead so we tried to start it with the battery charger and it wouldn't start so we left the charger on and I drove. It was a good game against a team that had some boys we know on it. I chatted with some of the dads and L chatted the whole game with her new friend. The Braves were winning 6-2 until a Grand Slam was hit and then another home run and suddenly they were down by 1 when the game was called due to darkness... 2nd game suspended with these guys... We headed home and swung through an ice cream store for a treat and then home to shut down for the night. L&I watched some Game of Thrones.