20190624 - Up in the am and L had quite a time getting J out the door for XC... They returned before I left, they went to the wrong location so J had to go run around the neighborhood on his own, L and Lilly headed out for a walk and I headed to work. To work and had a fill day of getting caught up and moving projects forward. Headed out a bit late. D worked at the lawyers today, J got some thing posted on ebay and G painted some fence and helped L in the yard. Home and J had cooked dinner and LJ&I ate, D&G home from Dbat a bit later and joined us. J drove G&I to Scouts, D had to run some awards I left on the desk over and he stayed a bit to talk to folks. Good meeting, got a lot done, J running for Senior Patrol Leader... After the meeting we headed home and finished watching game 1 of the College World Series. To bed, watching Game of Thrones and looking for things on Amazon until too late.