20190623 - Up way too early and drove back to CMH and straight to D's game, they did good and won. Home and checked in with J. I worked on getting the garage cleaned out a bit. D and Mason, a boy from his team stopped by and Gma&paW stopped too. GpaW got a part for the Shopsmith fixed and I tested it out, it will fit. Worked in the garage until it was time to go back to watch D's team in the Columbus Braves Classic Championship game. They played a HUGE team, the Cleveland Blue Sox, and got beat 9-1, D scoring the only run, and they came in 2nd place. It was the first time in the 7 years of the tournament the Braves made it to the Championship game. After the game Gma&paW took us to Arby's for dinner. GpaW is losing his marbles... Home and we all settled in a bit to get ready for the week. We watched a new funny show 'Holey Moley' about mini-golf that was hilarious. All to bed and I was out like a light.