20190618 - Up in the am, D to work and J to driver's ed and I headed in to the office with a stack of stuff to get through. Busy day. didn't get through the stack... but got a lot done... Headed home and stuck in really bad traffic on way home. Missed Andy Reed dropping of a 30 pack of Natty for me, he left it outside garage. Home and got the beer put away, D home from dropping Amaya off at pool, G&Brady playing in backyard & Xbox. I cooked some burgers and dogs and turned the Xbox off so G&Brady would join us for dinner. After dinner the boys shot BB guns for a bit, then D headed to McClain's with Brady and G&I head to Scout Board of Review, L&J played UNO, Jack was a dancing mess. G got his Second Class rank so he is all good to go for summer camp. Headed home and LJG&I watched some TV before heading to bed. Up late watching Game of Thrones. NOt sure why I watch it, horrible things happen...