20181101 + Up in the am and J&I running slow today. Got him to the BP and dropped off and pulled over to call ebay about getting selling limits raised and talked to Tony in Ireland for a good part of the drive into the office. Traffic was horrible so got in to work way later than usual. Had a busy day getting several big things done. Finished the day and headed home. L&I dropped the car back off at Tuffy to have them look at the brakes one more time... Back home and I shipped some things while J&G were on the Xboxs and we all joined for dinner. After dinner I shipped a couple more things and J&I headed out. L hung back with G to run him back and forth to basketball practice. J&I hit the post office and pizza shop to get boxes to ship records. We then headed across town to Micro Center so I could get a new video card. J was now happy that I forced him to go as he LOVED the store and said he could spend days there... L called us while we were there and wanted to unroll the carpet in the garage, knock yourself out. J&I completed our purchase and headed home. We stopped for gas and I went in and got J his own UDF points card, he liked that... On to Kroger to search high and low for some specific Mexican cookies he needs for class tomorrow, found them and headed home. Home and installed the video card, presto, worked right out of the box. G then helped me set up the projector and test out the setup for the movie night tomorrow. I stayed up WAY too late trying to sort out a mis-delivered shipment.