20181126 - Up in the am and dropped J at school and headed to work through heavy cold rain. In to the office and getting 4 days of catch-up done. Had a pretty busy day and had some big pushes on a couple big tasks for the day. Home and L&I ran her car to Tuffy to have the tire looked at. Home and L cooked dinner and I shipped a ton of ebay stuff. LJG&I had dinner and then L&I ran J&G to Scouts where I dropped off the wreath money and pin receipts. L&I on to the Home Depot to get some pipe. We then did our Cyber Monday shopping and I ran to get J&G with J's car so he could drive in the snowy mess, but he didn't have his billfold so I drove them home, G&I took out the trash while J got his permit and then he drove me to the post office to ship stuff and back home. I got Doc and we headed to Bible Bangers for a short meeting. Worried about Chris, he's been sick a couple days and Scott H announced he received papers he is getting laid-off 12/12... Home and installed new drain pipes for the humidifier, furnace, AC and water heater.