20181031 + Up in the am and dropped J off at school on the way to work. In to the office and dropped some salt and pepper shakers off in the center area and put up a new saying in before heading in to the office. Had to make a couple of last minute corrections to the massive number of listings I put up on ebay last night as I was getting all kinds of low-ball offers on things. Dug in to work to make it a quick day. Had a couple of calls, one good, one ehh... Finished the day and headed home. Picked up the car and the parking brakes are no better, but the oil is changed and everything is ready to roll... Home and then immediately took J to his friends to help pass out candy. L&I headed out to end of drive to pass out candy, G decided he is not going this year... We didn't have too many kids stop, maybe 2 dozen. G walked down to the Barnette's, they had a bag of candy for him. He got back and L went down to see their new kitchen. G&I hung out at home, He did some Scout stuff and I did ebay shipping. L home, she ran to get J and took G, G melted down, upset he didn't go our to get candy tonight... All home and settling in for the night. Up LATE working on ebay inventory and watching Halloween.