20181105 - Up in the am and dropped J off at school on the way in to work. At the desk getting things done right out of the gate. Had a very busy productive day. Headed home and J installed an antenna on the chimney so we can test over the air TV, G was doing homework. In and we had dinner. I ran G to basketball and then home to grab J and we ran to Scouts. I hung out there for a bit doing advancement stuff and then ran back to get G. We had to swing by home to pick up his Scout stuff and headed to Scouts. J&G had a Merit Badge Counselor there that helped them with the big 3 they were working on and they got a ton done. I hung out and talked to the guys. After Scouts we ran home, took the trash out and then I got Doc and we headed to Bible Bangers. It was a good meeting especially with the McRib! Doc and swung through Kroger so I could get some paper bags for L and something she is doing at school. Home and shipped ebay things and investigated streaming TV until late.